Glauc Talk: Red Lobster, Lavrans Svendsen, and Private Equity

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Will: Today’s episode is brought to you by the Nuance Dragon Ambient Experience, or DAX for short. To learn more about how the DAX copilot can help reduce burnout and restore the joy of practicing medicine, stick around after the episode, or visit Nuance. com slash discover DAX. That’s N U A N C E. com slash discover D A X.

KKH Singers: KNOCK


Will: Hey everybody, welcome to Knock Knock Hi! With the Glockenfleckens! I am Dr. Glockenflecken. 

Kristin: I am Lady Glockenflecken. 

Will: It’s time for Glock Talk. 

Kristin: Glock Talk! 

Will: We talk Glock. 

Kristin: Glock’s 

Will: talk. We talk a lot of Glock here on Glock Talk. Oh, we’re just having a conversation, you and I. 

Kristin: Yeah. 

Will: Uh, we got a few things that I want to go over.

Kristin: Okay. Today. Is this housekeeping? 

Will: No, not really. [00:01:00] Uh, although we could just do our normal housekeeping. Um. Uh, you know, we need to, you know, get the house painted. And No, 

Kristin: I don’t think anyone is interested in that now. 

Will: So, I do have something I want to talk about with you. 

Kristin: What? I 

Will: had jury duty. 

Kristin: Oh, you did. Yeah.

Well, kinda. 

Will: Again? 

Kristin: You got called in. Okay, what 

Will: is it though? I, see, okay, I have a theory. I have no way to prove this. I don’t think it’s random. I don’t think it’s random. 

Kristin: Bold claim, sir. 

Will: It is not random. It can’t be. Because I’ve gotten it twice 

Kristin: in 

Will: like three years. 

Kristin: We are in a state where you can get called every two years.

Will: Yeah. You have not gotten called once. 

Kristin: In this state. 

Will: Here’s, here’s what I think is going on, okay? I think they, they, they Okay, well let me just tell you what my experience was this time. So, uh, I Wait, 

Kristin: no, tell me what you think is going on. I’ll 

Will: get there, I’ll get there, I’ll get there. So it was, uh, I, we all got dismissed.

[00:02:00] So basically we show up, uh, 30 in the morning. Alright, I get my little juror badge. All right. I tweet my photo because, you know, of course I’ve got to make content out of it somehow. And I sit there and we all sit there and then eventually the judge walked into the room where all the jurors, potential jurors were sitting and said they had resolved the case.

Speaker 7: Yeah. 

Will: And so we all just went home. The downside is obviously it’s like a lost day of productivity of, I cleared my schedule, my, my, my clinic schedule. But that’s okay. I mean, I. I was doing my, my, 

Kristin: my civic 

Will: duty. I was being a good citizen of this, of this great county that I live in. But I think what happens is that they see who shows up.

They know, they know who shows up, who doesn’t. 

Kristin: There’s a flaw immediately in your plan. Hold on, 

Will: I think they see who shows up and then you get to put on a separate list. And you’re more [00:03:00] likely to get called once your time, once your two years, the window is up, then you’re like on a, on a, like a, you immediately go on the list of someone who’s more likely to show up.

How do you like that theory? 

Kristin: I don’t. First of all, that would not explain why I have not been called, because it’s not like I got called and didn’t show up, and so now I’m no longer on the list. 

Will: I think. It’s like two lists that get pooled together, so like, I think they combine into one list Half of its people that are more likely to come in.

KKH Singers: Yeah, 

Will: and then half of it’s just random So I think there is some random aspect to it But you cannot tell me that and I’ve I’ve I heard other people and I when I tweeted about it people are like, oh, yeah I get called all the time and then some people like I’ve never get called. I don’t think it’s random I think they know who’s more likely 

Kristin: in a random system, there would be no people that never get called and no people that often get [00:04:00] called in a random system?

Is that what you’re saying? Look, please don’t Is this your understanding of probability and statistics? 

Will: Please do not poke holes in my theory here, alright? Because I’m right. 

Kristin: Okay. 

Will: There’s only, that’s the only clear explanation of why I would get it twice and you would get it zero times. 

Kristin: Okay, so I don’t need to explain to you about the bell curve?

Okay. Okay. 

Will: Let’s let’s not let’s not bore our audience with with they don’t want to hear a statistics lesson. Do you folks? Okay, I’m just saying like I’d appreciate a 

Kristin: conspiracy theorist 

Will: Hey, we all have some kind of conspiracy theories that we have to we endorse at least mine’s harmless. Okay I just think I’m on a list.

That’s what I think. 

Kristin: Oh, you’re probably on many lists. I Don’t know if this is one of them. 

Will: I did I did serve in a jury. Have you ever been on a jury? 

Kristin: Uh, like you go, you show up and you get called it. No, 

Will: you got, you got selected. I’ve always been dismissed. 


Will: was selected Back in 2019, and I guess it’s been yeah, it’s been [00:05:00] like four or five years since I’ve been on it And the jury the the whole trial took like three hours.

So it was like super quick It’s that one day I was the only day I had to take off. What kind 

Kristin: of a 

Will: It was like, it was like a parole violation type thing. So it wasn’t anything like major. But it was really interesting to see the process and like the judge talked to us about, you know, how we’re just, he’d buttered us up.

We’re good citizens. Yeah. They always do that. Oh yeah. They love that. They love that. Uh, but, uh, it’s, it’s just seeing the, how close it is to TV, you know, there’s some parts of it that were, That were reminiscent of things I’ve seen on, in movies, like, you know, the, the, the counselors, you know, talking to you, and 

Kristin: Did anybody object?

Will: There were no objections during that trial, no. I was really hoping for it, I was like waiting, like, come on, give me an objection here. 

Speaker 7: Right. 

Will: Sustained. 

Speaker 7: Overruled. Overruled. None of 

Will: that stuff. No, no, no. Everyone was very well behaved, so [00:06:00] nobody attacked the judge or anything. Or the jurors. Well, that’s good.

Yeah, that’s good. So I like, I was, it’s kind of cool to like do it once and then like I’ve, I’ve had my, you know, that’s fine. Yeah. ’cause jury 

Kristin: duty is for you, . 

Will: Well, my, my point is, like, I, I’m, I will always go when called, but if I don’t serve on another jury, like I’ll be fine with that. Sure. You know, 

Kristin: I think that’s how we all feel.

Will: I, why? I know. Maybe, maybe some 

Kristin: people actually like it. 

Will: I don’t know why I’m telling you about it because you’re on a separate list and you’re never gonna get called. So. Yeah. Y Anyway. Alright. Um, so, you know, we usually, we have a little health news to start off with. Mm-Hmm. . But, uh, let’s do something a little, let’s build it into a, um, a segment that I have for you.

Oh, okay. Okay. Let me get my notes, . Alright. This is a segment called Why Should I Care? 

KKH Singers: Okay. 

Will: All right, so we each try to tell the other person why you should care about a thing. 

KKH Singers: Okay. 

Will: So my thing that you should care about and what all people should care about is also [00:07:00] also the part of the the healthcare news.

KKH Singers: Okay. 

Will: It’s private equity. Okay. I know you’re like, oh God, again with the private equity, but seriously, like it’s Private equity is kind of having a moment right now in terms of the public consciousness of their awareness of Private equities impact in their lives and it’s all because of Red Lobster.

Kristin: Okay, but hold on you need to clarify Is this all private equity of any kind? 

Will: Yes, 

Kristin: or is this specific to health care? 

Will: It’s, well, it, no, it’s not specific to healthcare, it’s just private equity in general. Just as a 

Kristin: concept. Yes. Private 

Will: equity. The, the, the idea of, of, of very rich people pulling their money together, uh, to buy things.

And the reason it’s kind of having a moment is because of the news that, that Red Lobster Has closed a bunch of stores. So Red Lobster is like one of the largest casual dining restaurants in the U S right? And so [00:08:00] they are like not doing well. They’re losing a bunch of money and it was going all over social media because apparently a lot of people really love Red Lobster.

Kristin: Surprising to me. I 

Will: haven’t eaten there in a long time. I would see. Well, I don’t 

Kristin: like seafood, so I’m not the best judge. Yeah, 

Will: you’re not the best judge of, uh, but I’ve always enjoyed my experiences at Red Lobster. But there are people They do have 

Kristin: those cheddar biscuits. Those are pretty good. Those 

Will: are really good.

And they had this, like, all you can eat shrimp thing that, um That should 

Kristin: not happen. 

Will: That, uh, they lost a lot of money with, and people were blaming their financial woes on that. But it turns out, no, it’s because they were Bought by a private equity company. And then they basically had a lot of their assets sold off by that company to try to recoup their costs.

And there’s all kinds of machinations and shenanigans and things that these private equity companies do to basically, uh, turn flip. They’re basically flipping the [00:09:00] company. And to try to make money off of it. That’s the only reason they’re buying any company. The whole 

Kristin: intention is always to sell it. 

Will: To sell it.

It’s not 

Kristin: to like, buy a company, take it over, improve it, continue to own it. That’s 

Will: how they sell the idea to people, like in healthcare. They’ll sell it to doctors and be like, Hey, well, listen, we’re gonna really take your company, your practice to the next level. But then they make all these changes, they cut costs, because they have to cut costs somewhere, right?

To make a profit, you gotta either cut costs or increase revenue. Mm hmm. And you can only increase so much revenue before you have to at least end up cutting costs. And that’s where the challenge comes in, in healthcare in particular. But the reason I bring up the Red Lobster thing is just because there was so much conversation on social media for their, for like a couple of weeks, just about like people, Realizing, Oh man, this is horrible.

With this, whatever, this private equity thing, it sounds terrible. And I’m sitting there and a lot of people in healthcare were sitting there like, yeah, like this, it kind of [00:10:00] sucks. Right? It’s 

Kristin: Red Lobster that finally did it for people. Yeah, 

Will: exactly. Like now imagine instead of like fast food, like fish, it’s, it’s, it’s your health.

I mean, fast food fish that might also impact your health, but, but just healthcare. And so the reason you should care about private equity is because. This is what happens just in a nutshell. Okay. The private equity firm buys the hospital or the individual practices or whatever, and they start cutting costs and they, they make it an untenable situation and let in a terrible situation.

They, they tank the morale, they cut, they cut corners and eventually that has to impact patient care. And. It’s up to the people that see the patients to like, keep it going, keep that positive, keep the patient care going to, to the, to the standards that they’re used to that can only last so long. 

Kristin: Continue to do the [00:11:00] same with less.

Will: Exactly. Exactly. And what’ll happen with these hospitals is in order to try to generate revenue, these private equity owned. practices and hospitals, they’ll start cherry picking what type of patients they want to see. So they’ll like, maybe That 

Kristin: seems like it should not be legal. 

Will: There’s a lot about this that shouldn’t be legal.

Yes. But that’s how, that’s why you see certain practices and just private equity lobbyists in general say, look how low our are, uh, are mortality rates are. 

Speaker 7: Right. 

Will: Well, that’s because they’re choosing to see healthier patients. Right. They’re turning away the sicker patients. And, uh, and obviously that’s bad for health care.

So, I hope people see this red lobster thing. I realize I’m, like, not really talking to you because you could care, you could not care less about red lobster and just anything that comes from the sea. But [00:12:00] my hope is that, uh, 

Kristin: Well, anything that comes from the sea that you’re supposed to eat. Let’s not spread the rumor that I don’t care about our ocean life.

Will: Oh, okay. All right. Fair enough. Fair enough. You love fish, theoretically. 

Kristin: In the water. 

Will: You do hate seafood. It’s, I love, I like it. 

Kristin: Little, little alien monsters is what you’re eating. 

Will: Okay, I have a fear of the deep water. I don’t like that. Yeah, me too. 

Kristin: I don’t want to be there. I’m not made for that. I don’t 

Will: want to be swimming in the ocean.

Kristin: No. That 

Will: sounds scary. There’s monsters down there. 

Kristin: Exactly! And you’re eating them. 

Will: No, 

Kristin: I’m 

Will: not eating the monsters. Yeah, you are 

Kristin: what you eat. 

Will: I mean, if the monsters taste good, I don’t, it doesn’t matter to me. Anyway, why you should care is because all the things, all the negative press, all the terrible things you see, you hear about healthcare happening in other sectors of society is also happening in healthcare.

Speaker 7: Right. 

Will: And I just, part of what I do on social media is I just want people to realize that and Red Lobster has helped. [00:13:00] I 

Kristin: don’t know that, yeah, I don’t know though that the general public, It has a great awareness of like everywhere that private equity is happening. 

Will: It’s, it’s, I just, those of you listening now are wondering where private equity is.

It’s everywhere. It literally, it really is. It feels that way. It’s in houses. Our neighbor. 

Kristin: Yep. 

Will: All right. Let’s tell that story. 

Kristin: Do we have to? 

Will: Well, yeah, we have to. Yes. Our, our neighbor. I 

Kristin: really don’t know what that will. 

Will: Oh, I’ll tell it. 

Kristin: Okay. 

Will: So our neighbor just put their house up for sale and. Our former neighbor, 

Kristin: you 

Will: know, that lived on our street.

I say neighbor, we didn’t know them, but. Well, 

Kristin: neighbor just means you lived by them, which is true. 

Will: Exactly. So the house was for sale for a while, and then somebody moved in, just recently bought the house. And we did end up talking, you had a conversation with them and they told you the horrible thing that happened with them, because apparently the company.

Kristin: They purchased the house, not from a 

Will: person, a realtor, [00:14:00] 

Kristin: well, a family or whatever, right? They purchased it from a company that owned a bunch of houses 

Will: that was backed by private equity. 

Kristin: Yeah. 

Will: So, and that, which is so private equity is in real estate as well, obviously. Right. So anyway, it was a private equity backed company and they had to get the house ready to sell.

And of course, as you would imagine, they tried to do it as cheaply as possible. 

KKH Singers: Right. 

Will: So they hired a painting company to come in and they apparently did a terrible job painting. Also didn’t pay the painters. And so what happened was these new owners came Well they 

Kristin: asked for it to be repainted. 

Will: Right. 

Kristin: So, then that happened, and it was still a terrible repaint.

Will: Which is just, like, bad painters. So now there’s two paint 

Kristin: jobs that these painters, presumably, have not been Have botched. Paid for, and have botched. 

Will: Yeah, and they didn’t get paid. And then one day, the new owners came to the house. And notice the door was open and they [00:15:00] walked in and all the appliances were gone.

The painters apparently were so angry that they had not been paid that they took the appliances. And so it’s just like, I’m not, you know, who knows what kind of, there’s so many unknowns to this situation, this particular one, but does it surprise anybody that it’s like private equity is involved in that kind of thing?

Like that’s, that’s just the type of thing that you hear about with, with these. these finance companies. And so anyway, I just, I was just shaking my head here and there. I was like, yeah, of course, of 

Kristin: course it’s private equity. Private equity is your cardiology. 

Will: Private 

Kristin: equity. 

Will: Bartholomew Banks. Yeah. Um, all right.

So that was my long winded, very long winded, um, why you should care. All right. So let’s get yours. 

Kristin: Well, okay. So my takeaway from yours though, first is, um, that private equity It makes everything worse. Yes. And therefore that’s why you 

Will: should care. It has [00:16:00] no, it has no value to society. There you go. Alright.

I challenge you to find me a value, like a, a value add to society. 

Kristin: That’s not just like adding more money to rich people’s pockets. Yeah, 

Will: exactly. Yeah. 

Kristin: Okay. 

Will: Alright, so tell me, what’s your, why should I care? 

Kristin: Okay. I’m excited about this one. 

Will: Let’s hear it. 

Kristin: Well, first you, the thing you should care about is The Voice Norway.

Will: The Voice Norway. 

Kristin: Norway, yes. Specifically a single contestant that competed in this year’s The Voice Norway. 

Will: All right. I have a question. Okay. How did you find The Voice Norway? Because you’ve never been like a American, the voice. 

Kristin: Well, I just don’t have much time to watch TV. Okay. That’s, that’s all it is.

It’s not that I’m a fan or not a fan. It’s just, I don’t 

Will: know. So how’d you find it? 

Kristin: Uh, like all things these days, my social, social media [00:17:00] algorithms fed it to me. 

Will: Just knew, it was like, I know who’s gonna be a fan of this. I guess 

Kristin: so. 

Will: Lady Glockenfleck. They 

Kristin: sent it my way. 

Will: Okay. 

Kristin: And I watched it, and everyone should watch it.

Why? It was, well, I watched this clip, I should say. Because this person, his name is Lavron Svendsen. 

Will: Pretty good, nice. 

Kristin: And I don’t think he’s human. 

Will: Why? 

Kristin: Because, okay, so the clip that I saw of him was he did a cover of that Rihanna song, Stay. Okay, so that, first of all, I’m already intrigued, anytime there’s like a cross gender cover, right?

Will: Like, especially 

Kristin: when it’s like somebody that’s really well known for their voice, and then you take somebody that has basically the opposite voice, and now they’re gonna sing the song? 

Will: So another example of that real quick, there was a viral video on [00:18:00] TikTok of a guy singing the Cranberries. 

Kristin: Yeah. Yeah.

Will: Sure. Yeah. Right. 

Kristin: Very distinctive female voice. Very powerful, excellent female voice. And then you put, you tell me that a dude’s going to try to sing that, I’m going to watch that. 

KKH Singers: Okay. 

Kristin: That’s interesting. Okay. So watch it. But it’s not just that. This person looks like a literal Greek God like, like as if he were a statue that they like that exists.

Go see one anywhere, right? Anywhere there is one. Pick any Greek. What’s his name? Laron. Fon la L-A-V-L-A. VRAN. R-A-N-S-S. 

Will: Laron. Swenson? Yes. All right. I gotta look at this guy. 

Kristin: Okay. And, and if you, I’m just gonna do image type and stay well. Okay. There you go. That’s all of them. So he is 

KKH Singers: okay. 

Kristin: Absolutely.

Beautiful, but in like. Like some otherworldly, 

Will: wow, [00:19:00] 

Kristin: angelic elf creature. 

Will: Yeah, that’s, that’s actually a really good description. Yeah, I see it. 

Kristin: He’s very masculine and at the same time very feminine and he is beautiful in both regards. Like how do you do that? 

Will: That is, that is interesting. He’s got that, he’s got that Kristen Flannery jaw.

Kristin: Oh, yes. Well, you know, I am. My genetic makeup anyway is largely Norwegian. So, yeah, it does kind of look like my face. 

Will: That’s why you like him so much. He looks like you. 

Kristin: No, he doesn’t look like me. But yes, there are certain characteristic features of Scandinavian countries that I do have. 

Will: Yes, I see it. He’s got the long hair, the, yeah.


Kristin: Well, that, yeah. 

Will: So that’s what drew you in. 

Kristin: Yeah, so just his look is very distinctive and what is interesting to me about it. It’s not like, oh, he’s so beautiful It’s like that is art [00:20:00] Embodied like that is a human art piece that I’m looking at. 

Will: All right, 

Kristin: and then he’s gonna sing That song. 

Will: Right, by Rihanna.

Kristin: Yeah. 

Will: Is this why I was dreaming in a different language the other day? Were you listening to this as I was drifting off to sleep? 

Kristin: Oh, yeah, I’ve done a deep dive. I have, I, I’ve Subsequently found all the clips of him singing. I don’t have access to actually watch the clip The show itself, because it’s only on Norwegian TV.

Will: You don’t watch the actual show? Do you just watch his clips? Just 

Kristin: his clips. 

Will: Over and over again. And 

Kristin: I really wanted to Is it 

Will: ongoing now? Is it like act The show is 

Kristin: It just finished. 

Will: Okay. 

Kristin: He was in the finale. He was, he was 

Will: Don’t, don’t spoil it for people. 

Kristin: Okay, I won’t spoil it. I will say that he, uh, is in the final two.

Will: Okay. 

Kristin: So. 

Will: Okay. 

Kristin: You know, Google if you want to and see what happens. Lovren 

Will: Svensson. 

Kristin: But. He, I watched all of his performances and every single performance is like [00:21:00] It’s just so creative, like every single one is different visually and the sound and like, it just is the kind of artist that you see that just seems like anything he does is going to be interesting and he seems like he’s just very, just tons of creative ideas and very prolific in that way.

Right. So you’re like, you want to follow him. And I was trying to like, understand. What the judges were saying, which was hard enough to find because the clip usually ends at the end of the performance. Right. So then you can’t, you can’t figure out. 

KKH Singers: Yeah. 

Kristin: So, but I did see a few where it showed some of the reactions that I couldn’t obviously understand what they were saying because I don’t speak Norwegian.

So I decided, you know what, I can fix this problem. And I got on Duolingo. 

Will: Oh my God. That’s why. Oh my God. 

Kristin: And I’m learning Norwegian. 

Will: Wow. 

Kristin: Yeah. It’s not just for that. I mean, that was definitely the catalyst, but it is, like we said, I have a lot of Norwegian, like, ancestry. And so I think it would be really just kind of cool to learn.

[00:22:00] And I like learning languages. Like, it’s just fun. 

KKH Singers: Yeah. 

Kristin: And so I’m going to do that. Not very far. I just started three days ago, but. I’m doing pretty good. I love that. That’s 

Will: the reason you’re, you’re trying to learn another language is because of this, this beautiful man in a Norwegian. I don’t 

Kristin: need, I mean, even human is just not quite right.

This is, this is, this is just a 

Will: human 

Kristin: art form. 

Will: It’s a work of art. 

Kristin: But I want you to understand. It’s not like this is just an attractive individual. It’s like, it’s like, this is art come to earth. 

Will: Yeah. Okay. 

Kristin: Like he’s just otherworldly. 

Will: Yeah. I mean, people say that about me too, 

Kristin: but not in a good way. 

Will: All right.

Hey, let’s take a break. We gotta take a break. Let’s let’s come back. We’ll cool Kristen off a bit and we’ll come back.

Hey, Kristen. Yeah, we got to talk about infectious disease. 

Kristin: Why? What’s wrong with you? Oh, 

Will: not me. 

Kristin: Oh, I 

Will: want to tell you about Precision. 

Kristin: [00:23:00] Oh, 

Will: this is great. It’s the first ever EHR integrated infectious disease AI platform. 

Kristin: Very cool. 

Will: For any specific patient, it automatically highlights better antibiotic regimens.

Speaker 8: So helpful. Helps 

Will: with burnout. It just helps you save lives. It’s great. To see a demo, go to precision. com slash KKH. That’s precision spelled with an X instead of an E. So P R X C I S I O N dot com slash KKH.

All right, we are back and, uh, with some more Glock Talk. And I have Confirmed that, yes, Kristen does follow the Norwegian gentleman on Instagram. 

Kristin: I do. Yeah, if anyone has a connection. 

Will: Can we get this, this, this guy on the podcast? I 

Kristin: would like that. 

Will: Uh, I mean, I don’t know if he has any, any connection to medicine at all.

I don’t think it matters. No, I assume not. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. And during the break, I did watch one of [00:24:00] his videos. Yeah. You played one for us. And 

Kristin: what’d you think? 

Will: Uh, he has got the voice of an angel. 

Kristin: Right? 

Will: Yep. And the body of an elf. 

Kristin: Yes! More like the head of a muscular The head of an elf!

Will: The body of a dwarf? 

Kristin: The body of a greek god. Not 

Will: a dwarf. That’d be right. That’s not right. That’s 

Kristin: not right at all. 

Will: Uh, whatever the Okay. Greek God. What are trying 

Kristin: to come up with? I, 

Will: I The, the, the what? Where are the elves? The Lord of the Rings. 

Kristin: They’re elves. 

Will: The elves. 

Kristin: They are elves. 

Will: Okay. But it’s the head of the elf.

But the body of a what 

Kristin: a God. The Greek God. There’s God, God. There’s 

Will: no Greek gods in Lord of the Rings. Oh, 

Kristin: it all has to be Lord of the Rings. Yes, it does. Okay. Um. Man, I guess. Okay. That’s boring. That was 

Will: very boring. 

Kristin: But they are a species in the Lord of the Rings. 

Will: Uh, let’s see. I just pulled up one of Lovren Svensson’s YouTube videos here.

Yeah. First, the first comment. I’m only human, no sir. That’s what the song is called, is human. It says, no sir, you are an elf, angel, [00:25:00] god for all I know, this is not human. This is what I’m saying! See, 

Kristin: that person agrees with me. Exactly! 

Will: Alright, I think we’ve talked about the voice Norway. I think you probably have convinced people to check it out.

Go look, you guys! 

Kristin: Yes! This, if you, if you wanna have like just a sample, just one quick sample, do this day. Song but any of his songs. I actually 

Will: didn’t even realize they had the voice in other countries. 

Kristin: Yeah, it’s all over the place 

Will: Yeah, I wonder what the worst one is 

Kristin: Anybody 

Will: come across a voice spin off that was really bad like which country has the worst singers I would be interested to know if you think your country that you’re listening from has the worst singers Let us know and we’ll investigate.

We’ll let you know. It’s not Norway clearly. 

Speaker 7: No. 

Will: All right, so Let’s do something else. 

Speaker 7: Okay, 

Will: you want to Alright, so, let’s do a segment called 2020 Hindsight. 

Kristin: Okay. 2020, which was supposed to be the year of the ophthalmologist. Oh, I made so many jokes. I made so 

Will: [00:26:00] many jokes. 

Kristin: Then, jokes on you, because in 2020, you died.


Will: was more like 2200, 

Kristin: by 

Will: hindsight. It really 

Kristin: sucked. 

Will: It was, it was not, not good. More like count fingers. That was, it was just blindness. I don’t know. Um, but, uh, so what I thought we’d do, because, because we get a lot of questions, you know, from people about social media and how to, you know, develop a presence.

And I’ve talked about this in, in keynotes and lectures and things. And so. I always talk about how the fact that I’ve like made mistakes along the way like starting track 

Speaker 8: of them in a little notebook 

Will: Exactly starting this whole glock and flaking. I was just flying by the seat of my pants the whole time Right.

Well, you know 

Kristin: you never meant for it to be anything other than just a silly hobby that you did in your free time 

Will: Exactly, and I started in 2016 and just kind of making content as I go throughout my day. And so it’s So lately I’ve been thinking about what I would have done differently or what we would have done differently You [00:27:00] You know, if we could go back with the knowledge we have now to 2016, you know, how would we build this?

Kristin: Yeah. If we were trying to actually set out to build something from scratch. 

Will: Exactly. All right. So I have a few things for you. All right. So the first one was, uh, I have is, I’ve written down, create social media accounts on all platforms. 

Kristin: Okay. 

Will: Right? Cause like I had for so long, I was just on Twitter. 

Kristin: Yeah.


Will: for like five years. And then, one day, I wandered on over to YouTube, and sure enough, there was someone posting all of my content. 

Kristin: Right. 

Will: And making a lot of money off of my videos. 

Kristin: Right. That, incidentally, You were getting the offers for, I mean, maybe this person also was, but they were finding your correct email address 

Will: and 

Kristin: sending you 

Will: Because the YouTube imposter had directly copied every [00:28:00] single thing about me, including my email address.

So I was getting requests for like sponsorships. You’re like, Hey, Dr. Glockner, I love your YouTube videos. I thought they were just kind of people that were mixing up. TikTok 

Kristin: and YouTube. 

Will: Like TikTok and 

Kristin: YouTube. Yeah. 

Will: And so I didn’t think much of it, but I kept getting them. And so I was like, what’s going on here?

And I, I was, I’ve never been a YouTuber. Right. So I just, I walked, I went on over there. It’s like, who is this Glock? What the hell is going on here? And then I learned after a little bit more research, just how much money you can make on YouTube. 

Speaker 8: Sometimes. 

Will: Sometimes. I mean, at that time I was like, I wasn’t making any money on social media.

So like any amount of money they were making, I was like, well, that should be me. I’m creating the content. I should be getting this money. Yeah. I don’t know how much the guy made, but in the, in the end we, after some effort, you know, we got the whole thing taken down, but that’s something I would do differently.


Kristin: Stake your claim. Even if you don’t plan to like be on that channel a lot. Right. Just, [00:29:00] you know, reserve your handle. 

Will: So I learned from my mistake and then whenever like Blue Sky and Threads came up, I don’t really use those platforms, but I do have an account on them. So anyway, that’s the one, that’s the first thing.

Second thing, trademark. 

Kristin: Yep. 

Will: So you got this done. 

Kristin: I did. 

Will: So tell the people what, what you did. 

Kristin: Well, there were so many people on, you know, the first was the YouTube account and, you know, we went down that rabbit hole. But then there were, you know, other ones just kept popping up like Whack A Mole on all the different platforms.

So I thought, well, if there’s so many people that are trying to use this You know, his image and his content. Let’s get it trademarked. And then it makes it easier to get it taken down. Because the way that these social media plat This is really inside baseball. Nobody probably cares. But in order to report a video that someone else is posting that’s yours, you You have to go individual video by [00:30:00] individual video, and you have to give them the link to the, um, fraudulent content, and then pair it with the link to the original content that you made.

And so, there were people po you have hundreds of videos, and there were people posting them all, everywhere. And so I Had to, you know, manually, one by one by one by one by one, go through and try to get every single video. And they, I tried to just report the account as a whole, but the platforms 

Will: wouldn’t do that.

Kristin: And so I had to do it that way. If 

Will: you’re thinking that individual reporting sounds extremely tedious, that you could outsource to somebody else. Well, it’s great for little kids. 

Kristin: It is a good job for an 11 year old who, Works for your own company. 

Will: We, we hire, we, we dabbled, we hired our children. We dabbled in child labor.

Kristin: No, it’s not child labor. If, if you are the only. If the company is you, you’re the owners of the company and they work for you. 

Will: It’s not child labor though. It’s 

Kristin: not child labor. I mean, you do, at least in our state, it might be different, different states. [00:31:00] In our state, you have to file paperwork and you have, there are limitations on how much they can work and all that.

But, uh, but yeah, we had our, our 11 year old go through and just, You know, work on those spreadsheets, reporting all that stuff. So she likes to, you know, make a point that all these, you know, bad actors were taken down by an 11 year old girl. So there you go. 

Will: That’s a good, that’s a good one. 

Kristin: Yeah. But the trademark was a much easier option.

Once we had a trademark, which it does take a very long time. So start early. Once we had a trademark. Then I can report the account. Yeah, like it’s just a much easier reporting process. 

Will: See, this is why we like things are so much better since Kristen joined the the company because I never 

Kristin: Like people people don’t care like it’s it’s all the boring behind the scenes stuff.

Will: Yeah, I mean it’s I guess maybe one thing that people could take away is like There can’t, it can get complicated and there’s so much that goes into, like a lot of people have this perception of [00:32:00] content creators that it’s just, it’s either silly or it’s not a real job or it 

Kristin: doesn’t take where it looks really fast and easy and it’s very fast and easy to consume, but it is less fast and easy to create.

Will: Yeah. And then, and it’s. You know, I probably would have agreed with people who maybe said that, oh, it’s not a real job. Like, you can’t make a career out of that stuff. But it’s, there is a lot that goes into it, and the creativity, and the, the, the things that we’re talking about now. Like, the business side of things.

Kristin: Yeah. 

Will: To protect yourself. Yeah, that’s the thing, like, even if you’re not trying to 

Kristin: like, Turn a big profit like if this is not your main source of income or something, right? And you don’t you don’t necessarily care about the income. It’s not even about the income. It’s about yeah protecting your own Content and your own finances, so I’m gonna guess what your third one is 

KKH Singers: What?

Kristin: I don’t know if I’m gonna have it right, but it’d be what mine would be, which is forming an LLC right out of the [00:33:00] gates. So, that’s just a smart move to protect your own personal finances. You know, whether or not you plan to sell anything, whether you are trying to make any money, that’s just a a defensive move to keep anything that you’re doing, you know, that might be very public, keep that separate from, you know, your private, uh, Personal day job.

Will: So that when UnitedHealthcare decides to come after me. 

Kristin: Right. 

Will: You know, they can’t 

Kristin: Especially for someone like you that is just pissing people off right and left. 

Will: I thought about that when I, when I made the little poster that I where I said Aetna is evil and I used the Aetna logo. 

Kristin: Yeah. 

Will: I was like, oh, this is, I’m pushing it more here than I ever have.

Kristin: Right. Thank goodness for whatever that law is that protects satire. 

Will: Yeah, the, the satire law. I think about that, that show that, that makes you like your skin crawl. Nathan, for you, you don’t, you’re not like a prank person. You don’t like the 

Kristin: Well, listen, that show’s hilarious. I, I understand that. I agree with that.

I [00:34:00] just can’t physically watch it. Yes, it’s 

Will: so 

Kristin: painful to watch, even though it’s funny. I just Crawl out of my skin. 

Will: But I always think about what he did an episode on, the dumb Starbucks episode. 

Kristin: Right. 

Will: Where he used the Starbucks logo, and the font, and everything, the colors. 

Kristin: Yeah, it looked just like the logo if you just glanced at it.

It looked just like Starbucks, but he 

Will: called it dumb Starbucks. And so, and it was all protected under, uh, like, satire law. I don’t know what the official Is that how you 

Kristin: learned about that law? It is 

Will: how I learned about this. Yes. I truly get business advice from Nathan for you. Oh my 

Kristin: god. 

Will: He graduated from one of Canada’s top business schools.

Kristin: With great, 

Will: decent grades. 

Kristin: C’s and D’s? 

Will: Yeah. Satire. It’s amazing. It’s like free speech. It’s wonderful. 

Speaker 7: Yeah. I love 

Will: heaven’s free speech. And so I, uh, so yes, the third one for me was going to be the, the starting the [00:35:00] business. We should have done that years ago. 

Kristin: Yeah. And that’s just like a little bit of paperwork.

Through your, your Secretary of State’s website, whatever your state is, the Secretary of State’s website. You don’t have to have a 

Will: lawyer for that. No, 

Kristin: you just like to fill out a form and send in, I think it’s like a hundred bucks or something and boom, there you go. 

Will: Yeah. And, um, but that’s, it, it has empowered me to really go after the, some of the companies and the things and talk about private equity and, you know, just be a little bit more, uh, you know, digging the knife in a little bit more because I, You know, they haven’t, I have not received a cease and desist yet.

Kristin: I’m sure there have been many drafted How nervous have 

Will: you been over the years? That have 

Kristin: not been able to be sent. I am, I’m not gonna lie, that’s, I’m very nervous. That’s part of why I’m doing, it’s what drives all of this protective behavior. 

Will: Because you are a very anxious person. I 

Kristin: am a very anxious and I’m a very forward thinking person.

I think those go hand in hand. And they can be a strength, right guys? I think through all the worst They can also lead to a doomsday shelter. It’s not a [00:36:00] doomsday shelter. It’s just some You know, extra items. I would love a doomsday show. I’m not going to turn one down if it showed up at my house. 

Will: Anyway, that’s, should we maybe, let’s see what people say.

Let’s see if people actually got to the business advice part of the podcast. 

Kristin: They didn’t immediately turn it off. Before 

Will: we decide to keep that in. Because if people like hearing the inner workings of a social media business. Like, 

Kristin: we’ve learned a 

Will: lot on the fly, like it’s all been, we have no business training whatsoever.

Like, it’s all been stuff we’ve just figured out. We don’t. No formal training. No 

Kristin: formal training. I did grow up watching my parents create a small business. So I have like some, just by osmosis, but yes, no formal education training. 

Will: I’m bad at it. 

Kristin: You, you really are. I mean, I don’t think you’re trying for one thing.

So who knows maybe you could be good at it Well, if you 

Will: weren’t here, I’d have to pick up the slack, but it wouldn’t be as good 

Kristin: I don’t think it would because you don’t [00:37:00] like paying attention to detail. Plus I also have the 

Will: private practice. You got things going Yeah, I was 

Kristin: able to quit my other things to do this So that does help.

Will: Any other thoughts for our, uh, for our listeners and watchers? 

Kristin: Oh, you’re talking to me. 

Will: Yeah. Before we wrap up. For 

Kristin: a second, I just kind of forgot I was here. 

Will: That’s all we got for Glock Talk, everyone. We have run, we’ve officially run out of things to say. Uh, I, I don’t have. 

Kristin: I, I just go watch. Go watch those clips, guys.

You will not be sorry. 

Will: Okay, yeah, that’s, that’s the takeaway here. 

Kristin: Yep.

Will: Hey, Kristen. Yeah? You know what I have? 

KKH Singers: What? 

Will: A box full of eyelid mites. 

KKH Singers: Oh, you shouldn’t have. Look at these little 

Will: guys. Look at their cute little, their cute little, uh, legs and their And the ribbing. Yeah, look at 

KKH Singers: this. I 

Will: want you to just be able to experience all of them. Look at that. We got so many. We got so many.

You know what these guys will do? They cause a disease called [00:38:00] demodex 

Speaker 8: blepharitis. That doesn’t sound fun. 

Will: So if you’ve ever had red, itchy, irritated eyelids, it could be because of this. 

Speaker 8: You know, like 

Will: crusty, flaky buildup on your eyelashes. 

Speaker 8: Yeah, that sounds uncomfortable. No, 

Will: it’s, it’s, I mean, look, but I mean, they are like really cute though.

Look at the little beady eyes. 

KKH Singers: Okay. 

Will: Well, don’t get freaked out by this. Why 

KKH Singers: not? It’s, it sounds awful. Just get checked out. Oh, 

Will: that does 

KKH Singers: make more sense. You 

Will: got it. You got it. Yeah. You got to get checked out for this. To find out more about Demodex Blufferitis, you go to eyelidcheck. com. That’s E Y E L I D check.

com to get more information about these little, these little guys and Demodex Blufferitis. Uh,

oh, should we do a fan story? 

Speaker 7: Yeah! 

Will: Let’s do that real quick, huh? Alright, this comes from Rachel. It says, Hi, Will and Kristen. I started listening to your podcast after your crossover episode with Sawbones. I am I 

Speaker 8: love Sawbones. Oh, 

Will: Sawbones was great. Yeah, really fun. Uh, [00:39:00] I am a hospital pharmacist and I have an embarrassing medical story that I thought Kristen would appreciate.

Parentheses, nothing gross. 

Kristin: Good. 

Will: She knows you. I wasn’t 

Kristin: sure what kind of appreciate that if it was sarcastic or 

Will: I had recently accepted a new position at a hospital closer to home when I was pregnant with my second child. The new hospital had a terrible track record with elevators. That’s scary. Slow and people getting stuck in them.

My office happened to be right next to the elevators on the fourth floor and visitors often asked me if there was another set of elevators due to how slow the elevators were. One day, a visitor asked for directions to the cafeteria, which was on the first floor. I started giving him directions, but as soon as I opened my mouth, I forgot the word for elevator.

Thanks, pregnancy brain. And instead, I trying to give directions without the word, I started to describe what an elevator does. Quote, you know, the room that moves you between floors with doors that go like this, miming the action of elevator doors with my arms. Eventually, I did what I should [00:40:00] have done in the first place.

I got it from my desk, which had been hiding the fact that I was pregnant, to walk the patient to the Cafeteria. As soon as I got up, the visitor noticed I was pregnant and apologized for making me get up. I will note that this whole encounter occurred while I was wearing my white coat. I cannot imagine what that visitor must have been thinking when someone wearing a white coat started describing and miming an elevator to them.

Kristin: don’t even have the excuse of pregnancy brain. Unless it just sticks around after you’ve had it, but that happens to me all the time. It reminds me too of when, when we had a newborn that didn’t ever sleep and we couldn’t think of any words and you were trying to think of the word for syrup one day and you couldn’t come up with it, but what you, what came out instead was pancake sauce.


Will: right. 

Kristin: Which I still think is pretty good. Pretty good, right? Yeah. 

Will: Send us your stories, knocknockhigh at human content. com. Thank you for that one, Rachel. And thank you all for listening. Thank you for your feedback. [00:41:00] We love to see those reviews. Those are great. You can also, there’s lots of ways to reach out to us.

You can email us knocknockhigh at human content. com. Hang out with us on all our social media platforms, uh, with our human content podcast family, who’s on Instagram and TikTok at humancontentpods. Uh, if you leave a review on your favorite podcasting app or on YouTube, we can give you a shout out. Like at Gustav J on YouTube said, you guys bring conversation into the home of a lonely person and I love you for it.

That’s so nice, Gustav. Thank you. We’re happy. We’re happy to be a voice in your home. 

Kristin: Yeah. Hopefully it can be a little less lonely time to time. 

Will: Uh, we also have full video episodes that are up every week on our my on our YouTube channel at Glockenfleckens. 

Speaker 8: That’s right. 

Will: And we have lots, uh, lots of perks over on our Patreon.

Bonus episodes, where we react to medical shows and movies, hang out with other members of the community. We’re there and active in it. Early ad free episode access, Q& A live stream events. Much more. Patreon. com slash Glockenflicker, [00:42:00] or go to Glockenflicker. com Speaking of Patreon community perks, huh? 

Kristin: Hmm?


Will: You ready? We’re 

Kristin: gonna post a LeBron’s video over there. 

Will: New member shoutout, Gabe. Oh, we should. That’s good. Maybe Kristen will host a little It’s 

Kristin: publicly available. It’s not really providing any value. Oh, we should post that. 

Will: No, show Well, we’ll show them, yeah. Show our Patreons what you’re so enamored by.

So we have a new member shout out to Gabe, Naaman S., Mr. Spock, Catherine R., Ashley R., Julia, Christiana B., Dave J. Welcome! Thank you all for joining. Shoutout to the Jonathans, as usual. Patrick, Lucia C, Sharon S, Omer, Edward K, Stephen G, Jonathan F, Marion W, Mr. Garandetti, Caitlin C, Brianna L, KL, Keith G, JJ H, Derek N, Mary H, Susanna F, Jenny J, Muhammad K, Aviga Parker, Ryan, Muhammad L, David H, Jack K, David H again, Gabe, Medical Mag, Bubbly Salt, and Pink Macho!

Random shoutout, [00:43:00] Patreon Roulette, Stephanie H, thank you for being an emergency medicine to your patron. I’m sorry, 

Kristin: Stephanie what? 

Will: Oh sorry, Stephanie V. 

Kristin: It’s like the eye chart. 

Will: Oh my gosh. Yeah, really? Let’s check one eye. What’s better? One or two? Thank you all for listening. We’re your hosts, Will and Kristen Flannery.

Our executive producers are Will Flannery, Kristen Flannery, Aron Korney, Rob Goldman and Shahnti Brooke. Editor in Engineer Jason Portizzo. Our music is by Omer Ben Zvi. To learn about Knock Knock High’s program, discriminant www. knockknockhigh. com. Go to Glockenblanket. com or reach out to us, knocknockhigh at human content.

com with questions, concerns, or fun medical puns, if you have them. Knock, knock, high! Knock, knock, I, and knock, knock, hi, is a human content production.

Hey, Kristen. Yeah. Weren’t you just talking about how much you hate admin work? Yes. It’s the worst. Yeah. We don’t like it much in medicine either. [00:44:00] 

Kristin: Yeah. No one does. 

Will: Fortunately, we have DAX though. 

Kristin: I know, you lucky ducks. Yes. 

Will: The Nuance Dragon Ambient Experience, or DAX for short. This is AI powered ambient technology that is incredible at reducing admin burden.

Kristin: Yeah, it helps with your documentation, which is the worst part. 

Will: Yeah, it improves the physician patient relationship. We can get back to what we love to do, which is just taking care of patients. 

Kristin: Yeah. Kind of ironic. It’s AI putting the human back into medicine. 

Will: Exactly. And, uh, DAX is so great. You should ask for it from your company.

Uh, in fact, 80 percent of patients say that their physician is more focused with the DAX Copilot. 85 percent of patients. say their physician is more personable and conversational with Dax Copilot. Do 

Kristin: they make a home version? 

Will: To learn more about the Nuance Dragon Ambient Experience or Dax Copilot, visit Nuance.

com slash discover Dax. That’s N U A N C E dot com slash discover D A [00:45:00] X.