Period Knowledge with Peds Hematologist Oncologist Dr. Angela Weyand

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Will: [00:00:00] Knock,

knock, hi.

Hello and welcome to knock, knock. Hi with the Glockenfleckens. I am Dr. Glockenflecken. I am Lady Glockenflecken. Will Flannery, Kristen Flannery. We’re happy to have you here. Thanks for joining us. Uh, we’re talking about periods. Yes. 

Kristin: Among other things, we have the Shematologist with us 

Will: today. And she does something I think very interesting that I didn’t even realize was a thing really in medicine, which is the combination of hematology and gynecology.

Which makes a lot of sense. Right. 

Kristin: It’s almost embarrassing that we both are like, oh, yeah, huh. That does make sense. Like, it should just be obvious. Now it is. Yeah, 

Will: I learned a thing or two about, um, [00:01:00] periods. 

Kristin: Yeah, you did. You did. We play a game to test your knowledge. 

Will: Mm hmm. And, uh, we’re about to be probably talking about periods a lot in our house.

Kristin: Probably, yes. We have a, a middle school 

Dr Angela Weyand: daughter. 

Kristin: So, you know, won’t be 

Will: long. We’re gonna have to divide and conquer that. 

Kristin: Yeah, how do you propose we do that? I am interested to hear. Should we 

Will: figure that out on the podcast? Right here on the podcast for everyone to, to, to figure out? 

Kristin: I mean, you are… A medical professional, so there 

Will: is that.

I mean, I think the, um, the logistics of periods and, like, using the tampon and the, I could, I could talk about, like, Safety stuff, like safe sex, safe, you [00:02:00] know, like, uh, toxic shock syndrome, like, just all like the medical aspects of things, I feel, even though I am an ophthalmologist, I feel like I can, but like the, I feel like Some of the more like social aspects of it, you know, yeah tips and tricks.

Yeah, like yeah that you’d be much more Qualified qualified to to discuss that. 

Kristin: Yeah, I think so. Although, you know, I don’t know that she’ll want to talk to you about it That’ll be interesting Even if it’s just the medical parts of it. She probably I’m gonna predict she would That would be very cringe, as the kids say 

Will: these days.

They come from me. But I am more than happy to, to 

Kristin: participate. Are you, though? Yeah, I can tell by your face and your 

Will: voice there. I, um, you know, it might be a little uncomfortable. Uh, maybe more But why? 

Kristin: It’s just another body thing. Like, you, you changed their diapers. Well, no, it’s more For goodness sake. I think 

Will: it would be more like, I’m, [00:03:00] I’m worried I’d make my own daughter uncomfortable.


Kristin: that’s inevitable. You’re just going to do that. Right. Just by existing. So that’s true. Who cares? That doesn’t matter. Yeah. Okay. 

Will: She’s got to get over that. Hey, kids, sit down. Let’s talk about toxic shock. Talk about, uh, pressers to, um, the ICU stays and, um, and all the sequelae therein. 

Kristin: So yeah, that sounds like a fascinating dinner conversation that she will love to have.

Are we doing this over dinner now? I guess so. Okay, we’re sitting down. What should we have? 

Dr Angela Weyand: some red meat 

Will: Talk about iron. That’s another thing. Yep. Iron deficiency. These are all interrelated topics That will probably bore our children to tears. Mm hmm. So Yeah, 

Kristin: they learn a lot these days, though. Another way.

I mean, I’m not saying this is a good substitute for parental conversation. Obviously, you need to do that. But like, there’s a lot of sources of information now for better or worse. And sometimes some of it’s good and some of it’s [00:04:00] crap. But I think they are. They’re a little more. They’re able to be more self sufficient around all of that.

Then then we used to be back in the olden days 

Will: before the Internet. These conversations are going to be coming up for us. So if anybody has any. This is our first foray into the middle 

Kristin: school, into puberty. Yeah, 

Will: so it’s getting real. And so, uh, yeah, if you have any, uh, any tips and tricks for us as parents, please 

Kristin: let us know.

Even if you’re not a parent yet, if you have like a, here’s what you don’t want to do, because that’s what my mom did when I was a kid. You know, if you have those stories too. We would like to hear those, too. 

Will: Should we explore that or just go right into the episode? Let’s just keep going. Alright. 

Kristin: Keep it 

Will: moving.

Well, let’s get to our guest. Let’s do it. Dr. Angela Wyan. She’s an associate professor of pediatric hematology oncology at the University of Michigan Medical School. Uh, just… Very [00:05:00] accomplished individual. Very intelligent. She’s the co director of a combined hematology gynecology program, uh, and co chair of the NHF working group to identify a national research blueprint to address the needs of, uh, young women and girls with bleeding or clotting disorders.

So, uh, She’s just like an 

Kristin: all around nice person, you know, like you, you just get the sense from her. Her social media presence and talking to her and whatnot that she’s just like very kind. 

Will: And, uh, later on in the episode, she gives us some devastating intel on the, um, clotting cascade. 

Kristin: That’s right. So stick around for 

Will: that.

You gotta, you gotta hear this. You’re gonna want to sit down here. So, uh, let’s get to it. Here she is, Dr. Wyand.

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Do you want to tell them or should I? You can. All right, we’re telling our amazing story live in person. Oh, you mean the story where you died? Uh, no, the one where you survived me dying. Oh yeah, right. We can’t wait. There’s going to be a meet and greet before each show. Uh, you can get a photo with us. You can meet us.

We want to meet you! December 9th, 10th, and 11th in Southern California. We’ll be 

Kristin: at The Improv in Irvine, Ontario, 

Will: and Oxnard. To buy tickets and check out the dates, go to glockenflucken. com slash live. And we have a special offer for our Patreon members, the Glock Flock, free meet and greet with a normal ticket.

Just tell us your username and you’re in. See you in Southern 

Kristin: California.[00:07:00] 

Will: All right. Thank you for joining us, Dr. Angela Wyand. It’s such a pleasure to see you in person after seeing you on social media for so many years. 

Kristin: Yeah, I do think of you as Schematologist. Like that’s just your 

Dr Angela Weyand: name. That is my name. It’s funny, when I meet people, like, and I have, like, name tags and stuff, like, sometimes people come up and be like, wait, are you the Shemitologist?

I’m like, no, no, I’m not. I’m just Angela Wyand. Like, not, no. Don’t know who that is. Tell me about her. Yeah. What do you think of her? 

Will: That’s right. It’s a good name, though. It’s a, it’s a great name for a, for a social media 

Kristin: profile. Well, and for what you do specifically, like, you know, Hematology specific to women and girls.


Will: I mean, that’s perfect. Exactly. Now, when was it, when did you get started on, like, do we have to call it X? We go with this every single time. it X. When did you start with 

Dr Angela Weyand: Twitter? Um, so it’s funny. I feel like I was like, I started an account because people would like send [00:08:00] me tweets. And you know, like you can’t really get to them very easily if you don’t have an account.

Probably in like… I think it was like 2017 but I didn’t understand Twitter at all and I wasn’t using it at all except for to like see funny tweets that my friends sent me. And then one of my colleagues like in 2019 I think was like, do you follow any of these hematologists on Twitter? Like people are really active, people are tweeting for meetings, like especially this one guy Mike Macaris who’s in England and he’s like, You know, 20 years older than I am, way smarter than I am.

And he would go to all these meetings that I was never going to go to all over Europe and be like live tweeting all these presentations. And it was like, I could learn from him, but also like, because I wasn’t at the meeting, I wasn’t seeing the data, but it was also like him being like, eh, I don’t really buy this.

Like, so you’d get this like extra added educational component. So I started following those people and then kind of started to tweet probably myself like late 2019 So like just kind of before the pandemic 

Will: and you know live tweeting conferences. That was like a big thing for I feel like it’s not It was a [00:09:00] trend obviously the pandemic like, you know affected live conferences and everything But it was it was a huge deal.

Like that’s that’s when I started tweeting as I was live tweeting a particularly boring conference I was I was at um And, uh, but it’s kind of sad. You don’t, you don’t see that anymore. I don’t know if it’s just like Twitter’s changed now and there’s just, it’s harder to see that, but I don’t know. I’m a bit disillusioned by the changes.

I don’t know about how you feel, Angela. I’m the 

Dr Angela Weyand: same, but I’m also like. Too old to start something new like I have to have accounts on like you’re not different things. You’re not I promise you I’m, like, I don’t know. I just feel and it’s also like how do you recreate that community, right? Like I know all these people and it’s like you go to anyone Like other app and i’m like, where are my people 

Will: people who are who are not on?

Twitter, or have never been, are probably like, why? Why are you guys, why are you always talking about this? Like that is, that’s like the least po like, that’s, uh, you know, [00:10:00] not even top 5 

Kristin: of It’s like that’s where you go to complain about things. But it’s not even like You mean to people. 

Will: It’s not even like top 5, like social media platforms, in terms of like the number of users.

But, in medicine, it, it just, it’s always felt unique. And, and the educational aspect is, I think, a big part of that. Yeah. Well, 

Kristin: it was like the professional, I mean, there’s LinkedIn, but it was like where you go for news and, um, you know, professional things. And so it’s where doctors, I think, felt comfortable having a presence.

Because there’s always that line in medicine with social media and professionalism and everyone’s trying to figure out, you know How that should be and I think Twitter felt safe for that discussion or at least the safest I don’t know why it wasn’t LinkedIn. I don’t know why Twitter versus I guess just it was bigger than LinkedIn 

Dr Angela Weyand: I feel like there’s this, like, opportunity to, like, learn from people, and, like, especially when I was starting out, I was, like, pretty new faculty, and, like, I would have these questions come up, be like, I don’t really know who to ask this, and, like, they were kind of broad, like, not, like, about a specific patient or whatever, but I could, like, tag these, like, [00:11:00] hematologists that wrote the paper on that subject, and then they would be, like, responding to me, and, like, I just feel like you had this, like, magical, I don’t know a situation where you can contact these and it’s like I would never email that person and be like, right I don’t really know like how to interpret this but like tagging them in a tweet and then they like respond within 24 hours It’s like amazing, right?

Will: And often I get tricked into learning about non I related things that’s right the past like all of a sudden like why am I reading a thread about like thrombocytopenia? And one knows you love blood and Von Willebrand’s disease 

Kristin: Spleen 

Will: Yeah, I’ve pissed some people off. There’s people that really like the spleen.

Big fans of the spleen. I’m on 

Dr Angela Weyand: record. You take the spleen out, then you die. That’s a problem. 

Will: Not all the time, though. I don’t, and sometimes you just do. I 

Kristin: don’t want to take my chances with sepsis, though. I’d rather just leave it where it is. 

Dr Angela Weyand: I’m on the record. And the thing about [00:12:00] the spleen, you may not know this, the spleen is vindictive.

How so? Like. You only need like a tiny little amount of spleen. So like I remember on my surgery rotation. Splenules. Splenules, exactly. Like, like we had this woman and she was an older woman and they were taking her spleen and they took out her spleen and they were doing it laparoscopically and all of a sudden, you know, I’m just watching because like there’s two med students So one’s like driving or something or pre track I don’t know what they were doing, but I’m watching and all of a sudden like the bag that the spleen’s in Like there’s stuff like spraying out of it and it was spleen and they had like ripped the bag but they didn’t realize it and I was like, um, uh, excuse me, uh, you know, like as a med student, you’re like, yeah, I don’t want to be the very bad news, but like, this is pretty bad because if there’s any spleen, right, like, especially in someone with ITP, like, you know, just a tiny What, what, so

Will: All you, you just need a little bit of spleen? You just need a little bit of spleen. So whenever you have like a splenectomy, do they actually leave some spleen behind? Or 

Dr Angela Weyand: is that? Depends [00:13:00] what the indication is. They usually take it all out, but like in hematology for kids, um, like now, if there’s the option, a lot of times we’re doing like partial splenectomies, because that will oftentimes like correct the issue that we’re dealing with, but leave like some immune function.

Kristin: I’m, I’m, as you know. Not a doctor. What does the spleen even do? Like, genuine. I know you say that as a joke, but I’m saying it seriously. What does the spleen 

Will: do? I’m kind of starting to believe my own jokes, though. Like, really? Maybe it’s not necessary. I don’t 

Dr Angela Weyand: know. No, so it’s important, especially important for, like, certain encapsulated organisms.

So that’s why, like, if someone doesn’t have a spleen or if they have their spleen removed, oftentimes they’ll be on antibiotics for, like, a period of time. And if they get, like, a fever at home, it can be an emergency. Because They had people come in, or before they had them on prophylactic antibiotics, people would die of like overwhelming infection from these specific organisms.

But it also filters other things and so it can cause problems with like trapping different types of blood cells and causing all kinds of [00:14:00] hematologic problems. 

Will: Interesting. But wouldn’t you agree that it would be better to have two livers instead of a spleen? I mean, they’re, they’re just, it’s right there.


Dr Angela Weyand: another You don’t even need the whole liver you have. Like, I could give part of my liver to somebody who needed a liver transplant, right? I already have enough liver. 

Will: That’s a good point. I guess I, I’m just, you know, as a, as a, a doctor of a specialty where I have two of the same organ, I just, that’s where my mind immediately goes.

Which organs could we benefit from having two of? 

Kristin: We benefit from having two eyes because they work. Together. What’s that called? 

Will: Binocular vision. 

Kristin: Yes! Like, you need both of it. If you only have one eye, yes, you can still see, but you’re gonna lose some aspects of, you know, what vision 

Will: can do for you. Look how much you’ve learned about ophthalmology.

Yeah. I 

Dr Angela Weyand: would rather lose my spleen than an eye. That’s what I’m talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

Kristin: Also, eye is like front and center people. No one knows if you don’t have part of your spleen, no one [00:15:00] cares. No, you don’t have an eye that’s gonna, you’re gonna get some 

Will: questions, so, so in hematology, would you say that the spleen, that’s like your organ that’s, that’s, no.

The bone marrow or, yeah, 

Kristin: the bone marrow. Even. I know that one. Oh, that’s embarrassed. 

Will: Well, no, I guess you. I don’t, I guess I don’t think of bone marrow as an organ, but I guess it is, isn’t it? I don’t know 

Dr Angela Weyand: what the definition of an organ is. I think about this sometimes, because people say like, the skin is the biggest organ, and I’m like, Yeah, that’s, uh, does that mean like hair is an organ?

well, hair’s 


Kristin: and skin’s a lot. 

Will: Right. We’re gonna, we’re gonna hear some from some dermatologists here. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yeah. Yeah. About that as the operat 

Kristin: operational definition of organ. I don’t know that that’s the nerdiest question anyone’s heard yet today, . It really is. It 

Will: really is. What was it? So what, what, tell us about the why, why hematology?

Oncology, why did you end up in this specialty? Yeah, 

Dr Angela Weyand: so I think, you know, first they pick peds And so that’s like the easiest decision anyone can make because everyone should go into peds because it’s like you’re not even picking anything You’re just picking like a population and kids you [00:16:00] guys have kids like they’re so much more fun than adults They do so much better than adults.

Well, they’re certainly weirder. Yes, certainly weirder. Like, you have more funny, like, clinic interactions. They can say things that, like, if an adult said, it’d be super creepy. Or if an adult did, right? Like, my patient’s like, hug me, and it’s like, I don’t want, like, old, creepy men hugging me. But, like, a cute little two year old, like, sweet!

Yeah, let’s sit on my lap! But, like, an old man sitting on my lap? Not so good. That And then the problem that I had with P’s is like, I actually like sick patients and luckily kids often are not sick and so it was really between like pediatric ICU and hemog because those were like sicker patients that had I thought more interesting problems and then with ICU It’s just awful like this.

I couldn’t do like the non accidental trauma thing Like, you know, you have a kid come in who’s like a shaken baby or something and it’s just like, ugh. With cancer, it’s like, it’s horrible and it happens and we’re all on the [00:17:00] same team, right? You come in and we’re like, cancer sucks and it happens and we don’t know why it happens but like, we’re all fighting it versus like, you shook your baby and they were perfect and now they’re not.

Kristin: Yeah. That would be harder to It’s like, I 

Will: just Ophthalmology wasn’t in the cards for you. Um, 

Dr Angela Weyand: I think that actually the way to determine if someone can be an ophthalmologist is to ask just two words, globe injury. Like I hear that and it, I, I really like throw up a little in my mouth just like thinking about it.

Will: Well, you, you almost lost your eye once, 

Dr Angela Weyand: right? Oh my God. It was bad. Tell us about it. It was so bad. Look, now I have two eyes, but it could have been a different story. Um, so yeah, so I’m, I think a very different doctor than you are, obviously. And I’m not the person who is like looking for procedures, you know, I think usually you have like med students and residents and they’re like, Oh, let me do like the lumbar puncture.

Let me do. And like, in hemag, we do lumbar punctures and bone marrow biopsies, but like, it’s not a huge part of like what I do. Um, so in training, I was [00:18:00] never like the person who was like, I’ll see this kid. Cause I want to do stitches. I was always like, you see that kid. And I’ll like, talk to some people and like, Feel their belly or whatever,

So come here you like you have baby. Exactly, exactly. , it was like a busy night, um, in the er and like everyone had too many patients and three patients came in all at once and it was like two things that seemed like they could be procedural and then like, Rash and I was like, oh rash. I’ll go see the rash, right?

Like I’m not gonna have to I don’t want to drink procedures. I’ll go see this rash And the rash turned out to be this like pulsating MRSA abscess, which of course is 

Will: Pulsating abscess? What level of abscess is that? That seems like 

Dr Angela Weyand: level 5. Yeah, like 1 to 5. Pulsating is 5. I mean the family was amazing Like the kid had had them before, siblings had had them before, mom like came in right away, was like, I know what this is.

You need to cut it open. And I was like, yeah, someone needs to cut that open for you. Like we should find someone who can do that. So I go, [00:19:00] and I’m like thinking I’m being like all sneaky. And I go talk to the attending and I’m like, okay, cute little three year old. Cause you’re on a page, you have to like, start with like cute or like what they’re doing.

You know, so I’m like descriptor. needs an IND, you know, I know we’re really busy, so I could start with the next patient if you just like want to get it done. And she’s like, oh no, no, like learning, come and do this IND. And I’m like, okay, so I’m going to do a procedure, fine. But because I like avoided all the procedures, I didn’t really know where like things were or all that.

And so she’s like, go get this stuff together and meet me back in the room. So I go and I like grab all the stuff and I somehow like muddle it together. And I get in the room and just as I’m walking in I notice she has these like huge glass like reading glasses and so I’m like oh she doesn’t need eye protection and I realize I haven’t brought like eye protection for me.

And I had that, like, thought where I stopped and I was like, I mean, come on, like, I’m gonna, like, open this abscess, is it really gonna go in my eye, like, what are the chances this is really gonna go in my eye, right? Not happening. So, I go on in, and then I sit on this, like, little… You know those [00:20:00] stupid little stools that are like wheelie.

I’m on my little stool and I’m just like, and I put the knife in and of course like it’s pulsating and like so tension filled that like as soon as I put it in there’s like a splash and I’m basically immediately blinded. Like, I mean not really, I’m being hyperbolic, but I’m just like, and there was these like dueling parts of me, like two little voices in my head where one is like, There is no way that just happened.

Like, that’s absurd. I think just one eye, but again, I can’t, you know, it’s one of those things where it’s like pus like splashes on your face. You’re like, uh, so really might throw 

Kristin: up, right? You’ll be fine. That’s fine. You said everybody’s got a body fluid they can’t do. That’s, that’s. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Especially in your eye, 

Will: right?

You have like four or 

Dr Angela Weyand: five body fluids you want to deal with. Yeah. Yeah. So, so I’m like immediately blinded. And then I’m like arguing myself, like this can’t possibly be happening versus like, I can feel the pressure in my eye increasing because pus is forming there and the MRSA are like [00:21:00] replicating in my eyeball.

And I’m like, you know, I’m like going through this whole thing. And so I’m like, and like, of course, as this all happens, I like fall off the chair. Because of course I do, right? Of course you, like, fall off the chair, right? Like, of course. When you get squirted in the eyeball. So, the attending hasn’t realized that I’ve been, like, squirted in the eyeball, but she, like, realizes I’m on the floor, and she’s like, Are you okay?

And I’m like, Oh, and like, the one voice had went out and was like, you have pus in your eyeball. And so I’m like, well, uh, like, I think I just got pus in my eyeball. And she’s like, huge sigh, right? Because it’s like, so busy, and like, this is not what she wants to be dealing with on her ER shift, and… So she’s like, I’m like, if you want to just like finish this up, she’s like, no, no, you can finish this up.

So of course I’m like, finish the procedure. And I’m saying that the whole time, like, um, I need to call ophthalmology. Like this is an emergent ophthalmology consult. They need a vancomycin eye bath. They’re going to like. like just pour either like bleach or vancomycin like directly on my eye or something like that’s clearly what you would do.

Will: Ophthalmologists editorial note do not pour [00:22:00] bleach on anybody’s eye. Okay, 

Dr Angela Weyand: continue. What about vancomycin? Have you ever done a vancomycin eye bath? 

Will: I don’t, I would say in that situation What I would probably recommend it is what we do, um, pre op is like a betadine wash. Okay. That’s something that you could do.

I don’t know. I have no idea if that would kill MRSA. Yeah, I know, right? Maybe. Maybe not, but we use betadine for a lot of things. 

Dr Angela Weyand: And so. I’m like the psychosomatic person though, right? Where like, you know, it like gets in my eye and then I’m like, I’m blind, like immediately, right? Or like, I walk into a room of like somebody who has meningitis.

Like, question meningitis. I’m like, oh, my neck. Like, I feel like I have some, like, mucral rigidity. You know, like, I’m that person. So I, like, finish up with a patient, like, finish up with my other patient. So physician was a good career choice for you. Yes. Very 

Will: good. That’s like, that’s like a universal experience.


Kristin: yeah, it’s a chicken or the egg. I think it turns you into. 

Will: Oh, you’re in class. You’re in class is like a second year. You’re learning about like ALS and you’re like, your leg, your leg twitches. You’re like, Oh, great. That’s it for me. It’s so [00:23:00] true. It’s so 

Dr Angela Weyand: true. And I do the same with my kids too. But so she’s like, meet me in room 18.

And I’m thinking like, is she going to call ophthalmology? Like, I’m happy to call them. Like I’m the idiot who did this, whatever. No, turns out. And if I was a melodramatic person, I would say. It turns out that people who deal with eyes might know something about like torture and like waterboarding Because what met me in that room was something called a Morgan lens.

Will: Oh, yeah. Yeah, that’s rough. It is 

Dr Angela Weyand: The craziest experience of my entire life so she’s like, okay go in room 18 like the nurse comes and he has this like and then he has these like bags of saline or something. And it’s literally like, I don’t wear glasses or contact lens. So like, I’m very eye naive. Like no one’s touching my eyes or doing anything with my eyes.

And they literally have these like two little like contact lens like things, but they’re like thicker, I think. And they have like a hole in it. And then it’s like connected to this tube and they put it in your eye. So you can’t close your eye. Right. It’s like they’re in there. And then they just, like, flush it with, [00:24:00] like, so much normal saline.

And so you’re, like, laying there, and you can’t close your eyes, and you can’t really see anything, but, like, there’s just water just, like, gushing. And it’s like a neti 

Kristin: pot for your eyeballs. Yeah, 

Will: it’s a waterboarding for your eyes. Yeah. We use it for, um, for chemical injuries. So, when you get chemical in there, we have to, that causes the pH to be radically different than what it’s supposed to be.

We’ll just continuously flush the eye. I’m surprised, actually, they did that just 

Dr Angela Weyand: for that. I have no idea if that was even the right thing to do. Yeah, I was going to ask, what do you think of that decision? I have no idea. I didn’t even know that thing existed. That’s a little aggressive. I don’t know. I 

Will: literally had no idea 

Dr Angela Weyand: it existed.

And then when she’s like, we’re going to put these in your eyes, and I was like, you are not. And then I was like, well, I guess if I’m going to lose my eyeball, like. Cool. Put it in . Um, but it literally, I have something there and I have my eyeballs and I didn’t like, you know, get any puss out of them. So I guess it worked, or maybe I didn’t need it.

I don’t know. It was not my favorite. I 

Will: mean, it could have just, you know, squirt take a, like a, like a water bottle, [00:25:00] just a normal saline bottle. You put a nozzle on it, you just like, you know, squirt it in there for about 

Dr Angela Weyand: 30. They have those like,

Will: I always wanted to use one of those. Well, it’s 

Kristin: not too late. 

Dr Angela Weyand: We can make 

Will: that happen. I can understand how that would turn you off to ophthalmology. I 

Dr Angela Weyand: mean, it was, it was so crazy. Like what part of this was 

Will: in training? This 

Dr Angela Weyand: is a residency in Seattle. Yeah. Seattle 

Will: Children’s. I, I had a, um, I also had a gusher once, uh, similar to that, except it did get me in the face.

I don’t think it got my eye. But, um, it, what made it worse was I was a resident and I was like training like a, like a, I was a senior resident training a first year resident. I was like, oh, this is no big deal, like this big, you know, we’ll just, we’ll just, you know, open it up. We’ll take a little sample of it, send it off.

I was like, ah, I’m, I’m, you know, this is, uh, easy for me, you know? And, uh, And then sure enough, I died, you know, made a little incision right in the [00:26:00] face. I felt kind of silly, 

Kristin: disgusting. I have, I actually have a story. That, that is on this level because, you know, I don’t work in a medical field, but I am a parent and sometimes those things are not that different.

Totally. I don’t even know. Did I tell, I must’ve told you this story, but one time we were at a restaurant and I had, um, our older daughter was just, you know, potty training and, and all of that, and so she had to go to the bathroom and so. Took her in. Oh, no, you were there because you we had the baby and you sat at the table with the baby I remember that so took her into the bathroom and she sits on the toilet and she does her thing and it’s all fine But she’s cut like still so little that she’s like afraid of falling in the toilet and like that is still a actual possibility That could happen, you know, so I’m sitting there just holding her on the toilet while she does her business and I’m like having to squat down because, you know, I can’t just lean over like that for that, you know.

So I squatted down holding [00:27:00] her around the waist. She does her thing. She gets the toilet paper. She attempts to clean up after herself and thankfully this is all just… Just urine. This is all that has happened. I’m so glad to report because she leaves a trail of the toilet paper like she doesn’t know how to like, you know Use it very well So she’s just like this big trail of toilet paper that goes into the water of the toilet bowl that she has just peed into and then she goes And she just whips it.

I don’t know why. Like, I think she was trying to like put it into the toilet or something behind her. You know, I don’t know why she did it that way, but she just whipped it. And all of that water and pee from the toilet just sprays me all across the face. Gets in my eyeball. I remember that. Cause then I came out to you and I was like, I just got pee in my eyeball.

What do I do? You know what 

Dr Angela Weyand: [00:28:00] you said? Oh, wait, what? It’s fine. 

Kristin: That’s what he said. It’s baby pee. 

Will: I’m sure that’s somehow better. 

Kristin: Public 

Dr Angela Weyand: toilet bowl. I feel like Morgan Lenz is needed because actually isn’t it like pH is much different than your eye urine, right? Uh, 

Kristin: yeah, but it’s very diluted at least. I guess I had that going for me, but oh my 

Dr Angela Weyand: gosh, that was the most horrifying moment.

You said people use urine 

Will: eye drops? Oh yeah, that’s one of the those things that Well, like 

Dr Angela Weyand: not But not like they’re not supposed to. No, 

Will: they’re not supposed to. This is like, these are like fringe Facebook groups, uh, where they do urine therapy. This is like a thing, uh, that because, you know, as it’s not a legitimate thing, I’m sure you get some of this, like when, when, when you’re on social media and people know that you specialize in a particular thing and you have a big following, you’re going to hear about all the stuff, right.

That happens in the world with that part of the body. So. Of course, like, any [00:29:00] TikTok or whatever that comes up about anything eye related, I get tagged, and one of those things is always urine therapy, uh, and so… 

Dr Angela Weyand: I heard about the drinking. This was… 

Will: But not the… Yeah, no, this was like, um, I guess the first time I heard about it was probably, like, pre pandemic, it was like 2019 or something, uh, and, um, people using aged urine.

It’s not just urine. They, like, somehow aging it, like, produces some kind of healing… 

Dr Angela Weyand: It’s kind of, I detect notes of 

Will: oak in it, it’s a little buttery. Good question, I didn’t ask the people like how they age it or what their process is, but um, ferment it up. And then it’s so funny because like people would send me screenshots of these like Facebook comments and like, well I’ve been, I’ve been using, I have this, this, you know, you know, pink eye, redness, irritation, and I’ve been using urine eye drops and it’s just, it’s getting worse.

Huh. [00:30:00] What do I do? And they’re like, use it more. More. You’re not using it enough. You’re not doing the right, like, treatment, regimen. That’s right. So, so yeah, that’s, I don’t know how we’re going to do? Um, some kind of antiseptic something, which is silly because it’s not like urine is. Is sterile? 

Kristin: Well, a lot of people think so.

That is a common 

Dr Angela Weyand: myth out there. That is a common, 

Will: yeah. What, in the hematology, what are the, what are the, do you, do you have any, like, really strange kind of, you know, practices that have caught on? I feel like 

Dr Angela Weyand: not so much with hematology. Bloodletting? Bloodletting. Yeah. Well, we like actually kind of do that, right?

Like there’s like conditions where we like take people’s blood. 

Kristin: It has come up surprisingly often on this podcast. We’ve 

Will: talked bloodletting, yeah. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Ugh. Yeah. Uh, no, I mean, I feel like it’s more like when I hear about like gynecology. Oh yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like there’s a patient that are like… I do vaginal [00:31:00] steaming to help my heavy menses and I’m like, I don’t know what that means exactly.

Like what that seems, I 

Will: don’t know. Well, I have a never ending supply of things that people do to their eyes. 

Kristin: Which baffles me because most, you know, like a lot of people don’t want anything near their eyes. No. You don’t like 

Dr Angela Weyand: things touching your eyes. I don’t even want to put regular eye drops. Yeah, no.


Kristin: things to their eyes. I guess there’s like a two ends of a spectrum. I don’t know. 

Will: I don’t know. I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s 

Dr Angela Weyand: all the people that should have been ophthalmologists. Oh, yeah, 

Kristin: maybe they’re like, hey, let’s, let’s try this out. Do you ever ask, do you get patients like that or do you just see it on the internet?


Will: it creates good engagement on social media because, you know, it’s your face and so you like put, you can put mascara directly onto your eyeball and it makes for a video that’s gonna get, you know, hundreds of thousands of views and millions of views and so, I don’t know. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Do something 

Kristin: else with your life 

Dr Angela Weyand: if that’s where you’re at.


Will: Well, okay. Here’s a question, [00:32:00] Angela. I’ve been, I’ve been dying to ask a hematologist. What is your favorite blood vessel? I thought you were going to say what is hematology? What’s your favorite blood cell? That’s 

Dr Angela Weyand: so hard. It’s like asking my favorite child. Except there’s more blood vessels than children.

So it’s even harder than that. 

Will: What do you think? Mass cell? 

Dr Angela Weyand: No, I gotta go with the platelet, I think. Platelets? I don’t know anything about it, why are you looking at me? I’m going the red cell. Red blood cell? Yeah, a red blood cell. Good old fashioned classic. Because you can have like zero white cells, you can have like zero platelets, and you can be okay.

Yeah. But you can’t have like zero red bloods. I mean, not… Good, but you can like live. 

Kristin: Oh, okay. Yeah, you can’t 

Will: live without red blood cells. 

Kristin: Sure. What do platelets do? They help your blood clot. Okay. I mean 

Dr Angela Weyand: that seems like you might need those. You do, but it’s amazing like we have these patients with like ITP and like sometimes somehow they’re kind of okay where you have your body like destroys all your platelets.[00:33:00] 

Will: Yeah, it’s like an autoimmune thing, right? Yeah. How, how low, what’s the lowest platelet? Like zero? Like no zero 

Dr Angela Weyand: platelets? I mean, they have platelets. It’s just like, you 

Will: know. Not coming up on the lab test. Blood? Man, hematologies. Wild. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yeah. It’s amazing. It’s the best. It’s the best. 

Will: On that note. Yeah. Let’s take a quick break.

We’ll be right back.

Uh, hey, Kristen. What do you got 

Kristin: there? Oh, this? Oh, well, you may not know this as an ophthalmologist, but, uh, this is called a stethoscope. Yeah, I know 

Will: what a stethoscope is. I also know it’s supposed to go in your ears and not sitting on top of your 

Kristin: headphones. No, I like it better this way. Besides, this is not just any stethoscope.

This is the ECHO Core 500 digital stethoscope with 3 lead ECG. 

Will: I’ve heard about these things. 40 times noise amplification, noise cancellation, three audio filter modes, and a full color display. 60 hours of battery life [00:34:00] too. Everybody loves a good battery life. It’s durable. That’s right. Awesome. We have a special offer for our audience here in the us.

Learn slash kh. That’s KO And use code knock 50 for a 75 day risk-free trial and a free case and free shipping to the continental US to get your core five hundred’s stethoscope. Hey Kristen, have you ever heard of eyelid mites? 

Kristin: I try not to think about them. So, gosh.

Look at this. Get your bouquet of eyelid mites out of my face. Look at 

Will: these little cute eyelid mites. They’re not usually this big. Thank goodness. But you know what they do? What? They cause itchy, red, irritated eyelids. Hmm. I don’t know that it’s actually sometimes demodex mites. That’s horrifying. Yeah.

They cause deem aex blepharitis. But don’t get freaked out. Kristin, get checked out. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. To find more information, go to eyelid Again, that’s E Y E L I D [00:35:00] to get more information about deem aex blepharitis.

Alright, we are back with Dr. Angela Wyland wand. Wy, I would say Wyland. Sorry, I, I know that’s what everyone does. Wyland. That’s the name of the, uh, um, my millennials coming out here. Um, the name of the elite singer for stunt pilots. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Oh, but is that how you pronounce it? Isn’t it like Wayland? Wait, 

Will: is it Wayland?

Wyland? I don’t know. I don’t know. Wand. . Just forget about it. It doesn’t matter. All right. Um, Angela Hematologist. Angela, that’s right. Hematologist. Um, by the way, a great. Tweeta, you still call them tweetatorials. You’re like, uh, fantastic 

Kristin: on that. What, I’m sorry, did you just say 

Will: tweetatorials? Tweetatorials.

Kristin: Tweetatorials. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Tweetorial. Tweetatorial. No. Oh no. I feel like more med twitter than you are. Right? It’s not 

Kristin: tweetatorial? Tweetorial. Tweetorial. Like tootorial. 

Will: There’s not an A? [00:36:00] tweet a? No, you don’t say toot a torial. Toot a torial. I guess you’re right. My god. All right. Tweet orial. Anyway. Oh, 

Kristin: you’re just killing me today.

I’m just dying. Anyway, you got 

Will: some great stuff on there. Uh, and uh, for, for anybody who’s uh, just a quick plug for the schematologist and her education on, on Twitter, now X. It’s good stuff. So 

Dr Angela Weyand: have 

Kristin: you moved over to threads at all? Are 

Dr Angela Weyand: you doing that or no? No, I get a little weirded out by like it being connected to facebook.



Will: tried it out. I got an account over there, but yeah, I mean 

Kristin: you you post some things. It’s not um It it’s it’s got a ways to go to try to recreate that community. It’s got potential though. We’ll see 

Dr Angela Weyand: Are you guys on blue sky or no? I have an account, I do have an account on there. I don’t see, that’s the thing, can’t I feel like everyone’s collecting accounts can’t handle and they don’t ever go there.

It’s like, yeah, 

Will: I can’t handle all the different things. There’s too many things 

Kristin: I know. I need us to like come to a consensus of which one are we all gonna 

Dr Angela Weyand: be on. And then I’ll go there. It’s supposed to be a good p like good [00:37:00] people to spearhead that. Like start a poll and be like, where are we going?

We’re just not gonna decide. 

Will: spearhead anything in my life. Oh, 

Dr Angela Weyand: stop. Well, Kristen can do it. She’s amazing. She spearheads. I mean, she like spearheaded your life. That’s true. In 

Kristin: many ways. I do that every day. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yes. In many ways. I have to say too, that You’re such an inspiration, like the whole saving lives thing, right?

Like, I mean, come on, but we go to this cottage, like in Canada, that’s only accessible by boat every summer. And we were up there and like one night randomly, like two o’clock in the morning, I was like, Oh my God, what if Ted, that’s my husband, like, what if his heart stopped? Like. We’re in Canada. Is it 9 1 1 or is it a different number?

And then I was like, I got to figure this out. And like, all because of you. Cause I was like, she saved her husband’s life. And like, I’m a doctor and I’m to save his, like, I’m going to be like, Oh, sorry. I didn’t really know. And I 

Will: didn’t know what the emergency number is in Canada. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yeah, but it is 9 1 1, at least there, so.

Okay. It is. Yeah, I feel like you 

Kristin: could just, like, try various combinations. 9 1. That’s 

Dr Angela Weyand: what I thought it was, is [00:38:00] 9 9 9. I think that’s in the UK 

Kristin: or something. Yeah, Britain. Yeah. I don’t know. Anyway. Sorry. Well, we have gone. What are we gonna do? We are gonna play a game. Let’s do it. With Dr. Wyand. We are going to play a game called Out 

Dr Angela Weyand: Damned Spot.

Will: Out Damned Spot. Okay. 

Kristin: Uh, we are going to test your knowledge. Mm-hmm. of periods and the period experience. Got this. , I got this. So Dr. Wy here specializes in hematology with women and girls, and so this is right 

Will: up alley. Oh, by, by the way, before we do that, I that, that’s actually something of reading your background.

Uh, I know you’re the co director of a combined hematology gynecology program. Yeah. Did you make that up? Yeah, I didn’t know that was a, like a, like a specific program. That’s cool. Yeah. I mean, it makes sense. It does make a lot of sense. It’s so fun. How many of those 

Dr Angela Weyand: are there out there? It’s becoming more common.

We actually just like, there’s this big [00:39:00] organization, the Foundation for Women and Girls with Blood Disorders, and they kind of spearheaded like, starting these clinics, and we actually just like, looked back to see, and are publishing a paper on like, kind of, How this is becoming more of a thing and how like hemophilia treatment centers are seeing more women than they previously were because of like the advent of these clinics.

And it’s just nice for patients because otherwise they would like see us and see gynecology and maybe we talk to each other, maybe we don’t. But now they can just kind of come and get it all figured out. Very 

Will: cool. So I have to answer questions about… 

Dr Angela Weyand: About periods. I mean you have daughters so this is, this is important.

It is important. 

Will: Okay, let’s do it. Alright. I’m a little nervous. I haven’t thought about this in a while. 

Kristin: Okay, so I’m gonna, we’re, I’m gonna give you some questions and you’re gonna answer and Dr. Wyand and I are gonna, are gonna weigh in about the accuracy of your understanding. Okay. Okay. What is considered a normal length of time for a period?

Will: Um, I think the range, it can be a range, I think, uh, it shouldn’t be more [00:40:00] than a week, right? So I’d say like seven or fewer days is normal. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Is that right? Very good. That’s what it says. I mean it depends how you like what you look at But it’s usually like less than eight or less than seven. So perfect.

Gotcha. Okay. Okay. 

Kristin: What is period underwear? 

Will: Period underwear. Mm hmm. I mean, I assume it’s like thicker underwear that you can Where you know, that’s more absorbent. Okay.

Yeah, that’s all, that’s all I got. 

Kristin: What do you, what do you think it would be thick, thick or how? 

Will: There’s more, more fabric there. 

Kristin: Just like more layers of cotton. So that if you get 

Will: your period You know, you don’t, like, soak through the underwear, because, like, you think maybe it’s going to happen sometime soon, and so you wear, like, a thicker pair of underwear.


Kristin: [00:41:00] okay. Do you want to tell them what it actually is? 

Dr Angela Weyand: So, I think this is an interesting thing, right? Because, like, the definition, I think, has probably changed, right? So, it’s a newer thing, right? Where, like, basically, you can buy specific underwear that are absorbent. Some people are able to wear them and not have to wear, like, a pad or a tampon or a menstrual cup, like, something in addition.

However, it’s not 

Kristin: just additional layers of 

Dr Angela Weyand: cotton. It’s actual, like, yeah, absorbent material that’s in there. But I feel like, before that came out, people would say, like, period underwear, and it was like, Oh, the underwear you wear when you’re gonna have your period, it’s, like, not that nice. Right. It’s not 

Kristin: cute.

And you don’t care if it gets 

Dr Angela Weyand: ruined. 

Will: Yeah. Gotcha. So it’s like, it’s not disposable. You still wash it, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. 

Kristin: Yeah. They’re washable, reusable. It’s like, you know, a more sustainable option. Okay. 

Will: Good to know. All right. There you go. Period. End of work. All right. 

Kristin: So. When our, when it’s time for our daughters to go period underwear shopping, now you’re equipped to take them.

I’ve got a, 

Will: yes, let’s, absolutely. Right [00:42:00] over the target. But see, this is 

Dr Angela Weyand: the thing, like, midstries are so stigmatized. Gotta be open. That’s right. Midstries are so stigmatized. I literally see teenage girls and they come in and I say, how are your periods? And they say, fine. And then it’s like, they’re bleeding for four weeks in a row.

But like, no one ever said, like, that’s not fine. And then their mom’s like, oh, I had that too. And then I had my uterus taken out when I was 25. Oh, super! 

Will: Nothing about that is normal. Yeah, exactly. 

Dr Angela Weyand: You’re like, so, you both have a bleeding disorder. Yeah. Welcome to my clinic. Right. 

Kristin: But I mean, you’ve done worse things.

You, with these children of ours. You’ve cleaned up all sorts of body fluids. I’ll 

Will: take them. I’ll take them to shop for whatever period related clothing they need. Okay, 

Kristin: sure. Just, you need to work on your face. You need to fix your face 

Will: first. Well, I, I, I, absolutely, I will, I will. You’ve got some time. You can work this out.

I will go to Target with a, with a smile on my face as I ask the, the sales associate [00:43:00] where they have the period underwear. Okay. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Absolutely. All right. Fix your face. I love it. Fix your face. 

Kristin: You’d be surprised how often I need to 

Dr Angela Weyand: say that. 

Kristin: What is considered a normal length of time between periods, speaking of waiting for four weeks in a row?

What is a normal length of time between periods? 

Will: A month. You mean between, so like three weeks, three to four weeks? 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there’s kind of a wider range of normal than that. It’s usually like 21 to 35 days, somewhere in that range, but. 

Will: Three to five weeks. 

Kristin: Oh, this is a fun one. What is a period cup?

Dr Angela Weyand: What’s that thing you drink out of when you have your period? 

Kristin: Yeah. So you don’t get your lady germs on other people. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Right. You want to like infect them with the periodness. 

Will: Period cup, it would be something you’d use like as an alternative, like a tampon. Oh, okay. Right, so. I’m surprised you know that. Yeah, you, you, [00:44:00] you, you know, put it into the vagina and then it collects the menstrual fluid and then you, you know, Empty it out in the bathroom.

Dr Angela Weyand: I’m impressed. There you go. All right. Nice work. He’s so good. So 

Will: far. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Besides the like Wad up some toilet paper and make a period underwear. Yeah, that was, 

Kristin: I mean if you’re in a pinch, that’ll work, I guess. You 

Dr Angela Weyand: could just sell like multiple layers of like regular underwear together. 

Kristin: Ooh, I like this one.

Okay. Okay. Where do people stash their feminine hygiene products on the way to the restroom when they don’t have a pocket? Because as we know, women don’t often have Functional pockets. So where do you, how do you, how do you transport? 

Will: Uh, discreetly tuck behind your ear. 

Kristin: Just take your tampon 

Dr Angela Weyand: like a pencil.

You like pretend it’s a cigarette. You’re like, oh hey, just smoking my tampon. How about, how about, 

Will: uh, how about in your, [00:45:00] isn’t that why you like take a purse? Or bag or something with you to the bathroom? Have it there? Well, 

Kristin: some people can, but then it becomes obvious you’re taking your purse. In your bra strap.

That’s a 

Dr Angela Weyand: new one. 

Will: You have some thick bra straps. Or in the, uh, in the, in like your, your waist. Like the waist of your, the waistline of your pants. You could just put it in there. I’m just curious. 

Kristin: I just want this to keep going. How about 

Will: you just hold it in your hand and you go, just walk. 

Kristin: Yeah. That’s 

Dr Angela Weyand: the dream.

Show it to people. And you’re like, Hey, this is what I’m going to do. And this is normal. And this happens to half the population. And I’m going to go change my tampon now. There you 

Will: go. Why are you, why are you hiding it? You 

Dr Angela Weyand: take a sign that says, I am now going to the bathroom to change my tampon. Any 

Kristin: questions?

So what is the answer? Well, it’s going to be different for everybody. I just wanted to see what you’d 

Dr Angela Weyand: say. And it’s an amazing thing. Ann Arbor was the first city in America where like, actually, if you go to any place in [00:46:00] public, there’s free menstrual products. 

Kristin: Oh, that is awesome. Really? Oh. Just 

Dr Angela Weyand: anywhere.

Nice. It makes sense. Because period poverty is like a real big thing. I mean, we 

Kristin: have toilet paper everywhere, right? Like, what’s, really, what’s the difference when you think about it? 

Will: So what is readily available in the women’s, in the bathroom? When you get there? Because they got, they got like machines that have 

Kristin: products.

Again, it depends on the bathroom. Some are better than others. But they’re usually pretty cheap, but they’ll, they’ll get the job done. Yeah. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yeah. Or you just ask somebody else in the bathroom with you. Okay, 

Kristin: um, let’s do a couple more, a couple more. How many symptoms of a period can you list? 

Will: Um, cramps, like abdominal cramps, um, mood swings, irritability.

Kristin: Why are you looking at me like this? I feel like this is getting personal.

That eye contact was too long. [00:47:00] 

Will: Um, oh god, I don’t, I think I’m, I’m not going to do very well on this one. Keep going. I don’t know if I have any more to add. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Well, now you know which ones I’m sure

Kristin: Dr. Wyand, why don’t you give us 

Dr Angela Weyand: a few more? Yeah, I mean, I think people can have all kinds of weird stuff, right? Like, I know people who have like vomiting, a lot of people have fatigue. Um, apparently there’s a thing, like, where a lot of people have, like, bowel changes, right? They’ll have, like, diarrhea around their period or issues with that, um, but, like, all kinds of things.

Headaches. Okay. 

Kristin: Oh, this is, I, okay, I saw in a meme once and I, or an article or something, something online. So you tell me, let’s fact check this, tell me how, if you think this is correct, that Some people’s period pain can be as intense as, you know, like if a male were [00:48:00] having a heart attack, but that, you know, we’re still expected to just go about our daily life as normal during all of that pain.

But, but if you saw a male having a heart attack, you would be like, Oh 

Dr Angela Weyand: my gosh. Totally. Did you see that video? That was maybe like on TikTok or something, but they like, it was like in some sort of, it looked like a, like convention center or something. And this woman had like a. Love machine of some sort and like she put it on this man and she’s like, and like cranked it all way up or whatever.

And he got like seven and he was like clearly having like serious problems. But yeah, 

Will: simulated was like period. Pain simulator. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yeah. Have a lot of, and I think it’s like sadly normalized, right? People are like, oh, you just suffer through your periods. It’s like if it was men, like no one would ever say 

Kristin: that.

Right? That wouldn’t be happening. Yeah, exactly. Okay, last one here. How much does a box of tampons cost? 

Will: Oh, I mean, I have purchased this before for you. Maybe like once. You’ve sent me to the store before. Yeah. And I did it with a smile on my face. Well, 

Dr Angela Weyand: that was [00:49:00] Show us the face that you like were at, like cashier, like show us the face that you had.


Kristin: he went to the self checkout. You know that. He didn’t go to a cashier. All 

Will: right. All right. All right. Uh, box. Uh, how many comes like, I’m guessing like 12 or something? 

Kristin: Um, the answer I have is for a box of 40 OB 

Will: tampons. 40. Okay. That’s a lot of tampons. Uh, I would, uh, how about 20?

Kristin: Okay, a box of 40 Obi tampons currently costs 7. 68 on Amazon. 

Will: Oh, okay. Okay. So there you go. Is that, I have no context for if that’s a good price or not. 

Dr Angela Weyand: All the stores now are like, let’s have a separate section where men can buy tampons and they’ll all be like 20. Yes. And we’ll make a ton of money. A huge markup.

It’s like a reverse pink tax. What’s 50? It’s like 50 for a box of pads. 

Kristin: I don’t know. I guess it’s what it costs. I’ll just buy it. I gotta get out of here as quickly as possible. Yeah. Very 

Will: uncomfortable. A little high with the 

Kristin: 20. Yeah, you were a little high. It’d be an [00:50:00] expensive period. I mean, you could get like a…

There, again, there’s a range of things, different costs, different price points, all this, all the things, but a box of 40, that’s like a very, a very basic, like, those don’t even have an applicator. It’s just, you know, 40 OB tampons are just, just the cotton and the string. Gotcha. 

Dr Angela Weyand: 768. Does that make sense to you, what she’s saying about an applicator?

Will: Oh, that’s a good question. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yes, yes. Okay, I just, you know, I don’t know. I think a lot of people would be like, applicator, like… Right. 

Kristin: That’s true. That’s a good call. Okay, so there you go. You did pretty well. Thanks. 

Will: Yeah. Yeah, I’m impressed. I’ve got things, like, from med school floating around my brain. And sometimes I can snag them.

And, you know, like, uh, I’m sure I got some hematology things. Uh, you know, some, like, iron deficiency anemia. Yeah. R d w and, uh, look at you. Yeah. The, uh, 

Dr Angela Weyand: that was a very hematology comment, right? R d w Yeah, that’s, that’s a thing 

Will: on the, from an ophthalmologist. What is, what, what, by the way, what is your [00:51:00] favorite, um, uh, form of anemia, uh, to quiz students and residents and fellows?

Higher deficiency. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Yeah, because everyone thinks it’s like super easy, but everyone gets it wrong. 

Will: I’m sure you could just talk for an hour. I mean, it’s 

Dr Angela Weyand: super common with your girls. You have to think about this because we had a paper in JAMA. It was like 40 percent of 12 to 21 year olds. Have iron deficiency.


Kristin: do you look for if you’re just 

Dr Angela Weyand: well? It’s just the problem is is that like when you menstruate you lose a lot of blood and then all of our food has like Less iron than it historically did and people eat less like iron rich foods So it’s just like incredibly prevalent, but it can cause tons of non specific symptoms So people don’t even necessarily know like fatigue it can cause sleep problems.

It can cause like cognitive Like slowing, cause like anxiety and depression, eating ice, or like non nutritive substances, like a million things. Yeah. 

Will: Yeah, that’s Pica. Is that what that is? Yeah, I [00:52:00] had a I had my my 11th grade History teacher would eat chalk you and I think he had severe iron deficiency.

Yeah. Yeah 

Kristin: Yeah, it wasn’t like a gag or something. No, 

Will: he was just like he would like we’d look over we’d hear like a crunch He’d be nibbling on a piece of chalk 

Dr Angela Weyand: Like I’ve had kids like tires and like Like the stuff that walls are made of. I mean, it’s crazy. Drywall? Yeah, drywall. Exactly. I’m like,

Kristin: you just like, you just get a little supplement at the grocery store? Or what do you do? Yeah, 

Dr Angela Weyand: or your doctor can prescribe it. We do a lot more like IV iron now. Oh, okay. 

Kristin: Interesting. Well, there you go. The more you 

Will: know. All right. Well, thank you for, for the knowledge about periods. You’re 

Kristin: welcome. I’m sure you will be getting so much more over the next few years as we have, uh, an 11 and a half year [00:53:00] old starting middle school this year.


Dr Angela Weyand: right around the corner. Have they started yet? Tomorrow. Tomorrow. My kid’s had first day today. Yeah. 

Will: Well, let’s take one more break and we’ll be right back.

Alright, we are back with Dr. Angela Wyand, and we are going to read a story sent in by one of our listeners, uh, this is from Sarah, she says, Dear Orthobro, Dr. G showed us you apologizing to nephrology by saying, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was making your little bean buddies sad. 

Kristin: That is one of my favorite lines, that one genuinely made me crack up, and that doesn’t happen very often anymore.

Bean buddies. 

Will: I didn’t mean to hurt your little bean buddies. Yeah. Orthos are great characters. They sound so 

Dr Angela Weyand: cute that way, don’t they? I know they 

Kristin: do! That’s why I told you. He’s just like a Labrador or 

Will: something. Yesterday, when the caregiver for my 88 year old Parkinson’s suffering [00:54:00] dad called and said, I need you to talk to him, he won’t drink any water, and we’re about to go out to visit the neurologist.

You. You. You’re. We’re about to go out to visit. The urologist with him dehydrated from last week’s heat exhaustion. So I said to him, you know what? If you don’t show some love to your little bean buddies, they are going, they are, they aren’t going to love you back. And he started laughing and drank two glasses of water, one with the kind of icky tasting rehydration salts.

Thank you for the inspiration. There you go. 

Kristin: I love that. I love that. Yeah. Aw, 

Dr Angela Weyand: little bean buddies. Yeah. 

Kristin: Ortho out there 

Will: saving lives. Be kind to your little bean buddies. Drink when you’re thirsty. I feel 

Dr Angela Weyand: like that’s something for the P’s ER to like… Yes. Our kids would be all about little bean buddies. They would, yeah.

We should do some Drink your oral rehydration therapy for your little bean 

Kristin: buddies. Yeah. 

Will: Oh. Make a little like stuffy thing. Little stuffy bean buddies. Put that 

Dr Angela Weyand: on your, on your website. Website. On our merch. Sell that. Yeah. We need to make [00:55:00] that. Yes. Well, little bean. Oh, that would be so cute. I 

Kristin: really do wanna do that.

We need to do that 

Dr Angela Weyand: all. Let’s do it. And every ER can have one and be like, you have to drink your oral rehydration for your little bean bunny. You guys have little song 

Will: with it. Yeah, I come up with a 

Kristin: bean buddy so can make it where it will frown or it will smile so you can mm-hmm. 

Dr Angela Weyand: You know, all kinds of stuff.

You should make it interactive where like if you fill it up with water, then it smells Yeah. And it smiles. 

Kristin: Yeah 

Will: man, we are all sorts of good ideas today. All these, this is 

Dr Angela Weyand: great . I’ll send you my notes, 

Will: I’ll send you my, my body. Please, please do and send us your stories. Knock, knock-knock

Thank you Sarah for that one, and thank you. to Dr. Angela Wyand for joining us. We really appreciate you being here. Now we want to make sure that uh, you talk about um, your annual fundraising competition, which is a great thing that’s, you know, I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna tell, you talk about it. 

Dr Angela Weyand: Thank you.

Thank you for having me. Yeah, so we have an annual fundraising [00:56:00] competition, um, for all you healthcare workers or non healthcare workers. We would love for people to join. Um, it’s called Healthcare Workers vs. Hunger. We started it. in 2020, so the pandemic, and we’ve raised over 1. 6 million dollars for different food banks.

You can go to any food bank, um, and it’s all team based. We have not ever had an ophthalmology team, just saying. Um, but we do have like a surgery anesthesia group, um, although I think they should be separate because there’s a lot of like… Yeah, some infighting. Yeah, exactly. We did really well when they were like competing with each other, but then they joined forces and it’s not so good.

Oh, that’s no good. Yeah. But we have a website that we have amazing like teenage volunteers that like created this website for us and healthcareworkersvshunger. org That’s awesome. Um, and it’ll be like the week after Thanksgiving, so check it out. 

Will: That’s hcwvshungervshunger. org, right? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, and it’s in December when you do it every year?

Dr Angela Weyand: Uh, yeah. Right after. It’ll be like the week after Thanksgiving. So we start usually around like Giving Tuesday. 

Will: Awesome. And I’m sure you’re going to be tweet, tweeting about it or X ing it. Yes. Oh my God. 

Dr Angela Weyand: I’ll be tweeting. I’ll be tweeting. I’ll [00:57:00] be tweeting. Yeah, like 20 years from now, I’ll be like the only one tweeting.

I’ll be like, I’m tweeting still guys. I’ll be like, that doesn’t even exist anymore. 

Will: Uh, and, uh, again, you are the Schematologist on Twitter. So definitely check out, um, check out that. Lots of good education stuff. Tweet it. Oh, I got Tweetatorials. Oy yoy yoy. 

Dr Angela Weyand: I feel like now I’m gonna like mispronounce that.

I’m gonna be like Tutatorial. 

Will: I know, I’m making everyone think too hard about it. But, anyway. 

Dr Angela Weyand: I did see you do that with my last name. You’re like, Dr. Angela. 

Will: Why, yeah, well I said it. I struggle sometimes with names. Wyand, yes. Y end. I, anyway, yeah. I’m always, I’m very self conscious about pronunciation, which is weird because as an ophthalmologist, I say, I say ridiculous words all the time.

So for God’s sake, I call myself Dr. Glock and Flecken. Well, thanks again for joining us, Angela. It’s a pleasure to talk with you. Thanks for having me.[00:58:00] 

Well I guess we covered everything there is to know about periods, didn’t we? It? 

Dr Angela Weyand: Mm. No. . 

Kristin: Yes. Yes, we did. Sure. Where, where do you 

Will: hide the tampon? 

Kristin: Well, I don’t, oh, you mean if I am walking? Yeah. you. 

Will: Where, 

Kristin: where do you I like the tampon. I think House. Oh, . That’s a, that’s a different podcast. . 

Will: No, I know where they live in our house.

Yeah. Yeah. But, but, You know, the question about, you know, you’re going to the bathroom. 

Kristin: Well, I think, like, when you’re in junior high, or, you know, whatever, there were, a lot of people would do the up the sleeve trick. Up the sleeve? Oh, that’s a good one. 

Will: Yeah, if you’re going with a 

Kristin: purse or something. With a bag, right, and that’s the only time you usually take a bag, you know.

So, right. You come up with all sorts of little tricks. But, I don’t know. Maybe, I hope that’s not as big of a thing anymore. Who knows? I guess we’ll find out. 

Will: [00:59:00] Well, you, you guys can let us know. Is it a still a thing? Do you have, uh, you know, any junior 

Kristin: high 

Will: people listening Junior to this podcast? Junior?

Well, no, people that have God, I hope, I hope, I mean, they have much better things to do. Oh yeah. They’re all, uh, you know, Hopely. No, none of them are listening. Yeah, definitely not. But people that have junior high Yes. Aged kids, which is us now. Which is us. Yeah. as of tomorrow. It’s crazy. Um, anyway, let us know, uh, what you thought of the episode.

Let’s start the game, which is what you think about our, uh, you know, guests and any future guests that you’d want to see on this podcast. We love hearing that feedback from you guys. Lots of ways to hit us up, email us knock, knock, high human dash content. com. We’re on all the social media networks. You can also hang out with us and our human content podcast family on Instagram and Tik TOK at human content pods.

Shout out to all the wonderful listeners leaving great feedback. We love seeing those reviews. If you subscribe and [01:00:00] comment on your favorite podcasting app or on YouTube, we can give you a shout out. Like KittyPantsILM on Apple said, Recommended for healthcare workers and all. Love and support the show.

You are doing great work. Keep it up. Thank you, Kitty Pants. 

Kristin: I just, I want more excuses to say Kitty Pants in my everyday 

Will: life. Kitty Pants ILM. ILM, you know, to me that is an internal limiting membrane. It’s a layer of the retina. Anyway, full episodes of this podcast are on my YouTube channel every week at DGlockenflecken.

Check that out. Also, like skits and stuff. I got lots of stuff on my YouTube channel and lots of cool perks. On our Patreon! You gotta check out our Patreon! A bonus episode where we react to medical shows and movies. You can hang out with other members of the Knock Knock High community. We’re there too, we’re active there.

Early ad free episode access, interactive Q& A livestream events. A lot more. [01:01:00] Patreon. com slash Glockenblicket. Or go to Glockenblicket. com. Speaking of Patreon community perks, new member shoutout to James! Thank you for joining, James! Hello, James! Love to see ya! Uh, and shout out to I That was a little, uh, Midwest there.

Love to see ya. Love to see ya. 

Kristin: Yeah. Bring some hot dish. 

Will: some hot dish. Shout out to all the Jonathans as usual. Uh, uh, hot dish. I’m sorry. Sorry. . Thinking about, now I’m thinking about like everybody, maybe some potato to casserole everybody, uh, in our Patreon coming for a big potluck. Oh, a little virtual potluck.

Mm-hmm. . Virtual head nod to all the Jonathans. We have Patrick, Lucia C, Sharon S, Omar, Edward K, Steven G, Roskbox, Jonathan F, Marion W, Mr. Grandetti, Kaitlyn C, Brianna L, Dr. J, Chaver W, Jonathan A, Leah D, Kay L, Rachel L, and Anne P. Thank you all. And Patreon roulette time! Random shoutout to someone in the Emergency Medicine tier.

Shoutout to… Marcus K for being a Patron! [01:02:00] Thank you, Marcus. And thank you all for listening! We’re your hosts, Will and Kristen Flannery, also known as the Glockenfleckens. Special thanks to our guest today, Dr. Angela Wyan. I’m so self conscious about it now, I always feel like I’m going to say it wrong every single time.

Dr. Angela, I’m going to say it confidently now. Dr. Angela Wyan. Our executive producers are Will Flannery, Kristen Flannery, Aron Korney, Rob Goldman, and Shahnti Brooke. Our Editor In Engineer is Jason Portizzo, our music is by Omer Ben Zvi. To learn about our Knock Knock Highs, Program Disclaimer, Ethics, Policy, Submission, Verification, Licensing, Terms, and HIPAA Release Terms, go to Glockenflecken.

com or reach out to us at knockknockhigh at human content. com with any questions, concerns, or fun medical puns. Or limericks. Uh, what other, uh, short jokes? Well I 

Kristin: proposed haikus at one point, but you kind of poo pooed that. Haikus? 

Will: That’s too highbrow. Hmm. Too 

Kristin: smart. Early on when we were dating, you, you wrote a list of haikus.

Or not a list, but you wrote, you know, a series of haikus. For me. That you still, you [01:03:00] kept apparently, or I kept. I don’t know. It’s in our garage. 

Will: Were you oppressed? Knock Knock High, the human content production.

Knock, knock, goodbye.

Hey, Kristen, do you know what I want? What do you want? I want someone to do everything for me. Mm, don’t we all. Like, in life. I want, like, someone to get me out of bed in the morning. Mm. Put my clothes on. Brush my teeth. I want 

Dr Angela Weyand: something that will 

Kristin: wash my face for me after I have already laid down.

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