A medical director working at Cigna denied 60,000 claims in just one month, with each denial being reviewed by an algorithm and signed off in bulk. Here are three essential steps to fight insurance claim denials.
Private equity firms buy hospitals to ostensively improve operations and finances, but their changes lead to higher patient healthcare costs. Yet, physicians can no longer own hospitals.
Outrageously high medical bills are still a thing because of loopholes in Federal law.
You may think the silver lining of reaching your out-of-pocket maximum is that your insurance will now cover all of your healthcare costs. We’ve all thought it, and sadly, we’re wrong.
You’re denied care, and your doctor is burned out. Why? Prior authorizations and claim denials.
You may be in for some not-so-fun surprises if you think your health insurance is going to fully cover your healthcare costs after you pay your premiums and meet your annual deductible.
US insurance premiums now cost 39% more than mortgages.
Hi. I’m a kid. FYI, I’m also funny. That probably isn’t the introduction you’re used to, but it turns out it’s important. Because, as you may have experienced, newfangled kids like me think a bit differently than you adults. But […]
Transcript Scooby-Doo Glaucomflecken: [00:00:00] Knock, knock. Hi, knock, knock. Hi. Will: Hello. Welcome to a special edition of Knock, knock High. What should we call this? Like a, A slice of life with the Glock and Flacons. Knock, knock, knock, […]
This is Lieutenant Gregg. He is one of the first responders who helped us when my husband’s heart stopped beating in his sleep three years ago. On his way up the stairs to our bedroom, Lt. Gregg stopped briefly in […]